Chapter 29

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I don't know how long or how far Warren ran into the forest. I wasn't paying attention to that, I was replaying that last scene in my head.

Vincent had...I'd been completely vulnerable to his attack. And yet, he didn't attack. Even when the lights had switched off - Warren's doing, no doubt - he'd already been far from me, laughing wickedly. All he'd wanted was to shake my sense of security, to show me that he could make it past the pack if he wanted. I whimpered.

Warren instantly stopped, putting me down anxiously. "Were you harmed?" he asked gruffly, eyes running over every inch of me as he held me back.

I braced myself against the tree behind me, still trembling a little. "N-no," I managed shakily, my voice pitifully weak. "I'm fine, he didn't do anything."

Warren instantly drew me to him, wrapping his body around me as if to swallow me in his embrace. I didn't catch the words he breathed in relief, his voice rumbling in his chest.

I sighed, letting his warmth calm me down, and finally stopped trembling. When I drew back slightly he let go so he could see my eyes. And then his mouth swooped down on mine without warning. There was no preamble with this kiss. He simply demanded a response from me, one I was eager to give. In seconds I was melting again him, my knees weak as I clung to him, a feverish excitement coursing through my veins. He pinned me against the tree and placed his hands at my sides, clutching my waist, and I whimpered as they singed me.

He suddenly drew back, looking as surprised as last time. His eyes were hot and hungry as they landed on mine. He drew me close again, leaning in so his cheek was on mine, and went still. I wondered if he was communicating with Roger and Ashley.

After a short while, he pulled back and said, "We must leave." He stepped back until he had room then quickly crouched and turned into that majestic panther. The cat crouched low and Warren said, "Come to me."

I clambered onto his back, scooting close to his neck so I could hold on. When he stood straight, I felt giddy. He was soon running and I loved every second of it. The feel of this magnificent animal under me, its powerful muscles moving like liquid under the soft smooth fur...

All too soon we were on my doorstep. He crouched low again and I slid off. Ashley was instantly beside me, her lovely blue eyes wide with concern. "You okay?"

I nodded as Warren phased back and followed us into the house. "Ashley -" he began.

"I know, don't worry. She'll be safe with me."

He turned to me, planted a quick kiss to my hair and ran out. Ashley turned to me but I wasn't buying her calm demeanor - there was a sadistic vampire on the loose.

"Okay, where do you feel safest?" she asked.

I unwound my arms from around myself and looked around. I didn't want to lose sight of the front door, so I went and plopped in the couch that allowed me as much sight of it as possible - momentarily forgetting my irritation with the gown as I hitched up my skirts.

"Good," Ashley said. "Now remember, Warren's monitoring my thoughts so if anything happens he'll know instantly. Okay, doors and windows..." she looked up and closed her eyes.

Watching her distracted me as I wondered how closing her eyes had anything to do with doors and windows. When she opened her eyes, she saw me watching and smiled, "I was feeling the different draughts. They're all closed and I'll know the instant something changes." She looked at me as if debating something, biting her perfect lip, then started towards me. "Maybe we should get you -"

She spun back to the front door, her tension spreading to me. A menacing growl erupted from her lovely frame, sounding out of place. I froze as I realised that Vincent was close. The front door burst open, letting in a gust of wind. My mind labored to register that it was Victor, not Vincent. Ashley must have gone through the same thing because she only just held herself back from pouncing.

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