Chapter 24

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"And here she is," the man murmured smoothly.

"Annabelle, darling, how wonderful to finally meet you!" Warren's mother was already halfway towards me, smiling radiantly with her arms held out in welcome. She took both my hands and kissed me with ceremony. "I was beginning to wonder if my son made you up."

I giggled as I studied her. Veronica Strandton was insanely gorgeous. Her long red hair was rich and perfectly styled around her face, a striking contrast to her pale blue eyes. Her lips were crimson, matching the sleeveless knee length dress that followed the contours of her curvy body. The dress was accessorized by a wide black belt which complemented her stilettoes. Her only jewellery were a silver bracelet and wedding rings.

Kyle Strandton came up behind his wife and I suddenly understood where these kids got their ridiculously good looks. His dark hair was a replica of Warren's but it was shorter and perfectly brushed back. He wore a black dress shirt and white slacks - and looked like he just got off a photo shoot. He took my hand as he smiled, "I can understand why my son would call you 'darling' after only one look at you."

I blushed as he bowed and kissed my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Lord and Lady Strandton."

"Oh, my!" Veronica laughed, leaning back into her husband's touch.

"Just Veronica and Kyle, please," Kyle smiled sardonically.

"Shit! Belle's here!"

I looked up just in time to see Roger sprint back up the stairs.

"She is?" Ashley's voice came from somewhere up ahead. "Great!"

"Oh no!" Warren whispered, placing his hand on my waist as he herded me towards her.

I knew it was the wrong time but I was just too curious, so I whispered, "Are you sure she's not...?"

He shook his head sadly, then I stopped short and drew a sharp breath. We were in a huge, gorgeous kitchen. Food covered the whole surface of the large oval kitchen table. Ashley was taking a tray out of the oven, looking too unruffled for someone who'd just completed all this cooking.

"Hi," she grinned, neatly kicking the oven door closed, then she placed the tray on the counter.

"Have you gone insane?" Warren asked. "Belle hardly equates a household of guests!"

As he spoke, she rushed around, sticking her finger in dirty dishes and rubbing it on her apron. She smiled mischievously, streaking her cheek with a little flour and messing up her hair.

By the time Veronica and Kyle walked in, Ashley was glaring at her brother, loosing the ties on her apron with a huff. "I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with Italian, French or English."

"So her solution was everything," Roger grinned from behind me. "Hi, Belle."


"Ashley's difficult to control when she's excited," Veronica confided. "I hope you brought an appetite."

"That's okay," I smiled. "I might not be a house full of guests, but..." I looked up at Warren.

Everyone laughed as he smiled in disbelief.

"So you know about his appetite," Kyle commented.

"Hey, refrain from gossip," Warren chided.

"Is that a new chain?" Ashley asked Warren.

He grinned impishly and pulled on it with his thumb. "Belle collared me."

I blushed deeply as everyone laughed again. Warren's hand found mine and he drew me out of the kitchen to the porch where we stood at the railing.

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