5: Creep

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As the weeks went by Masumi was filled in on all that happened before her start at UA. The sports festival, the League of Villains, and especially all the drama. One night, as they hung out in the common room, Midoryia told her about the history between him and Bakugo.

So far, her charm had worked on every person in the class except Bakugo. Barely ever exchanging words since he gave her the tour, Masumi couldn't help but admit, she was infatuated with him. He was such an asshole, and it ignited a fire in her.

Observing his behaviors from afar, she learned every move to tick him off. Which would be her favorite part of every day.

"Well... I think Deku's quirk is the best in the class", she'd announce with her chin up.

He'd grunt and leave immediately.

Bakugo couldn't understand why he hesitated blowing up at that bitch like he does everyone else. He's seen what her quirk's capable of, and it was nothing impressing. Yet, any time he'd just barely get a word in she'd always clap back with a fiercer response. "Her resistance makes up for her lack in strength. I could've taken her more seriously as a rival if her quirk wasn't so weak", he thinks. He just couldn't shake why this girl was so obsessed with him. He'd caught her staring at him, eyes almost bloodlust-like, across the cafeteria or at training.

"Fucking weirdo. Gives me the creeps."

Class 1-A, Meet Masumi Shimizu! (Bakugo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now