4: Shower Incident

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After a long day of training the students rushed back to the dorms to rest and refresh. Midoriya grabbed his towel and made his way to the boys shower. As he pushed the door open he notices a blue head of hair behind a shower stall. He does a double take and his face becomes tomato red as he realized who was in front of him. There she was, her glistening wet body. She was humming as she walked out if the stall and wrapped a towel around her chest. Midoriya was frozen with embarrassment and looked away whimpering. As she wringed out her long blue locs, Masumi noticed the curly haired boy by the door and chuckled.

"Midoriya, right? What are you doing in the girls shower?" She walked over to him hands on her hips and leaned into his face with a grin.

"So close!!", Midoriya thought. "Uhhm... Masumi-san... this is the boys shower...", at this point he was a sweaty nervous mess.

"OH", she laughed, "my bad!! I'll make my way out then, see you later Midoriya-kun".

As she walked by her fingertips ever so slightly caressed his bare collarbone leaving him frozen in the bathroom.

But of course, Masumi new exactly what she was doing. She was waiting on someone else though....

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