16. The Dance

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The situation was odd. Despite the occurring demons appearance around the area, none of Arkham's demon appeared either. He supposed to receive a letter from the summoned demon. However, did not get any news about the location of the next seal. A new problem also arose after the reveal. The Order of the Sword had discovered the underground lab. However, the rest of the residence did not know about it.

Katherine returned back to her work. Her injury from the demon made a good explanation about her absence. Despite her status as an outsider, people were worried about her. Losing life to the demon was a big deal after all. When she returned home, Vergil saw a new scar on her hand. His face was calm, but his voice filled with anger. "Who did this?"

"Wait, this is nothing! A demon jumped on me during my way home. Don't worry, I've slain it."

After the hell-gate was closed, the demons were stuck in the earth and roamed around Fortuna. The knight from the Order of Sword did their best to eliminate the threat. Vergil thought about continued his journey, but reluctant because of Katherine's safety. However, he idled too much on that place. That man must leave for his mission.

He sat next to her. She was busy reading a letter from her grandmother. His eyebrow raised when he saw a rather young woman with platinum hair stepped on demon's head. "She looks... young."

Katherine laughed. "Well, not every witch is a creepy old woman that rides a broom. Her contract keeps her youth."

"What about our contract?"

"I'm still researching it." She fixed the glasses on her nose. "The contract works, but only half of it? I can use your power to a certain extent, but I cannot summon you."

He frowned, "You try... to summon me?"

"It- it's for research purposes." She changed the topic before things became awkward. "Hey, do you want to go out tomorrow? Everyone in Fortuna gets a holiday. It's the Moonlit Festival! We celebrate the day Sparda won against Mundus for three days."

He was there for investigation, not sight-seeing. Vergil might leave Fortuna tomorrow. However, the idea of celebrating his father victory was tempting. Katherine saw this written on his face. She begged him to accompany her. "Please?"

He sighed, "Fine. I'll leave after the celebration."

The next day they went out together. Vergil had to wear the clothes of Fortuna citizens. His aura was too dignified for the plain clothes. That man was not excited about the attire either. Katherine laughed when she saw him. His annoyance was gone when she pulled his arm gently. "Let's go!"

Their first destination was a restaurant near the harbour. Katherine did not lie about the food. It had been a while since Vergil tastes good food. He really savoured the dessert. Katherine giggled at the sight.

"You still like chocolate."

Vergil realized he was too enthusiastic toward the cake. He made a fake cough to cover his embarrassment. "We're done eating. I'll pay for everything."

Vergil took bundled of cash from his pocket. Katherine saw red splatters on the money. "Vergil, did you mug someone for their money?"

"... No."

She smacked him since that was a straight lie. Katherine paid for their meal.

The Moonlight Festival was joyful. The street was decorated with flower, some children ran around passed him with a mask, and many people opened their own stalls. Vergil never participated in festival anymore since he was a child. He missed many things in his life.

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