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No, I'm not dying. This is just the last word for this fanfic so I can finally ignore it like I ignore my problem. I'm fucking tired.


I would like to thank the reader to support me. Your comment and vote keep me writing. This is long fanfic too and I never write something this much then publish it. It's a nice practice. I made this to water our thirst for lack of Vergil's content.

I was in so much confusion when I wrote it. My motto of making fanfic is keeping it as an extension of the original story so CAPCOM CAN USE MY FANFIC IN DMC GAME... which will never happen, but a girl can dream. I did tons of research, foreshadowing and rewrote just for fanfic. I wish I do the same for my original story (nervous laughing).

There are two things that make this hard to finish: Timeline and Nero's mom. I have two timelines exist and write the track of it is a challenge. My draft has to be edited just to fit the timeline. That's why one chapter can be long and another can be short.

Now Nero's mom headcanon is really hard. I mentioned it before, but her name alone took a few days to come up. I finally used a character name from Dmc Ninja Theory, Kat which derived from Katherine. It sounds classy and I like it.

Next is her personality.

Nero supposes to be half Vergil and half of her. He definitely gets the aloof, stoic, inferiority complex and power-hungry from his dad. I made Katherine as a person with strong humanity despite being weak and had her own good reason for pursuing power. Nero gets his raw emotional from her mother.
At first, I wanted to make her flirty, but that Dante's job (lmao). I want to make her as angry as Nero and as rude as him too but I erased it. I decide to make her has implosive anger issue instead explosion one like Nero. She is a patient woman but her anger piled up.

Not to mention, Vergil is PICKY AS HELL. A prostitute can all flirt with him and he is like: "Yeah, you all flatter me but my taste is too refine and I'm too good for peasants like you."

So to get his attention, you have to be more attractive than POWER. I have a feeling stranger would have a hard time doing that fast (Vergil has a short stay in Fortuna). DMCSE4 has the scene where someone turns around to Vergil, so I assume that woman recognises him. It makes childhood sweetheart headcanon work very well. Just imagine how we can finally see Vergil smile, laugh and blush. (I also found three of them playing together as cute)

Oh yeah, making her thirsty to parallel her son. If Nero says "Kyrie" a lot, Katherine says "Vergil" a lot.

Putting Kyrie and Credo parent on here, so when they adopt Nero, they remember Sparda (Vergil), the man who saved their life.

And joke headcanon that Jeanne from Bayonetta is Nero great-grandma. She is on the human world for 500 years and I'm thinking at one point, she has a child somewhere but separated because they clashed against each other. Jeanne is wilder than Cereza.

Thank you for reading!

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