3. Fortuna, Present

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"Nero, you're alive?"

Nico's voice woke him up from the seat. They took a trip from the border of Fortuna back home. It was a long night full of slaying monsters. Nero was not complaining, he was grateful for that. More demon meant more money. However, there were many appearances of demons lately. The young man was worried because few of the residence area had become the target.

"Don't want to wake up sleeping beauty, but we almost arrive at home."

"My neck is killing me." He touched his stiff neck. "Thing has been hectic lately. I fought a lot of demons, the gigantic one, the toxic one and the one with three heads on the chick body. Heck, I fought my dad's half-demon!"

Nico laughed, "Shit never gets old."

"Yet, I've never seen a pattern like this. Different demons rarely gathered together. It is as they were..."

".... Commanded by something?" Nico added, exhaling some smoke in her cigarette. Nero opened the window for some fresh air.

"Something strange is going on."

"You know, this shady stuff reminds me of a rumour I heard in the bar. It's about an underground witch in our town."

"Witch? Well, that's new."

"Right? They said she grants wishes and stuff."

"Witches, huh?" Nero wondered. A demon was one thing, but a witch? He heard from Trish, Lady, and Dante that they existed, but none of them ever saw one.

The car passed Fortuna city. It was a beautiful but bizarre place with a port town and distinctive Renaissance architecture. The place was a large business district with a lot of cathedrals dedicated to the Dark Knight, Sparda. He was considered as demon protector and the lord of the island in the past. Imagined how speechless Nero when he found out he was the grandson of the saviour. Kyrie was as puzzled as him after she heard the story. Only Nico drowned in a pool of tears from laughing. She made a joke that his father and Dante were Jesus.

The voice of a woman cut off his train of thought. Nico just changed the radio frequency. The sweet melody of Soprano about separated lovers filled the van. Nero never heard this voice. "New singer?"

"Yeah, recently get famous. Her name is Rau. A lot of people get infatuated with her. Heard they throw and give her everything cause she's pretty faced."

"Kyrie sings better."

"I bet she does."

They finally arrived. Both saw an unknown silver car with a chauffeur parked near the house. When Nero stepped down from the van, Kyrie and the children were outside. She had been waiting for him. The brunette-haired woman gave him a small peck on the cheek. It brightened his day in an instant. Nero wondered why everyone sat on the patio. The children did not want to stay inside because of 'scary lady'. Even Kyrie looked a little bit frightened.

"Is this person threatening?"

"Not at all! I just found her to be... intimidating."

Nero, Nico, and Kyrie entered the house and saw a well-dressed woman stood in the living room. From her face, she was in her late twenties or early thirties. She had a deep dark brunette hair in a bun, eyes as sparkling as emerald, bright red lipstick and beige skin wrapped in fancy dark green long dress. She wore a black hat with a white feather, a pair of white gloves and black boots. That woman held a smoking pipe on her right hand, despite the rule of 'no smoking inside the house'.

Devil May Cry: Witch of FortunaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant