Chapter 42: Cherry Blossoms

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                             not what I was expecting. Not what I was expecting at freakin' all. I think as my gaze falls upon the tiny shrine before me. It''s so small. The little structure constructed of wood and paint could easily fit in both of my hands, almost as if it were made for figurines or something of that nature; almost like it's a replica of what a shrine could be. Still, despite its miniature scale, I find it quite charming and cute.

"Is this really your shrine?" I ask, kneeling before the itty-bitty infrastructure.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah," Yato replies.

"It's so cute," I gush, turning to him. "Did someone make this for you?"

It's faint, but I see the way his face drops, his eyes falling to the ground. Honestly, I don't know what has him in such a glum and nor do I know how to help. I mean, he's been acting off for a long while now, but this is almost depressing.

"Hey," I say softly. "What's up? Is something –"

"Hiyori made it," he interrupts lowly. "Hiyori made it...back before I cut ties with her. She made it for me." A small smile bows his lips. "She made me my own shrine. She made a shrine...just for me. I was so happy when she gave it to me that I...I couldn't help but...cry."

The faint smile reaches his eyes, the glee he feels remembering such a fond memory running through his stare. Compared to what I saw just moments ago, this new expression is almost relieving. I can feel myself relax a little upon this, but that relaxation is short-lived. Within moments, that warmth which occupied his eyes drains, being replaced by that familiar veil of dejection.

"She was the only person who ever did that for me," he continues, his voice sounding hollow. "No one had ever done that before me."

" what Hiyori did uncommon?" I press, keeping my stare on him.

He glimpses at me and back to the shrine, shrugging, "Eh, can't say. But as a god, you know you've made it when you have a shrine....when someone makes a shrine for you, that is. It means that someone believes in you. That they rely on you. And Hiyori was that person for me."

I glance back down at the shrine. Sure, it might be small and maybe even insignificant to some, but I can tell that to Yato, it means the world. The fact that Hiyori did something that kind for him causes a smile to tug at my lips, though a sadden twinge still squeezes my heart. In the end, Hiyori might have made that for him at one time, but she no longer has any memories of that. No memories of it whatsoever.

"I'm glad she made this for you and I'm happy you have your own shrine," I smile.

His face reddens once again when he jumps, scratching the back of his neck, stammering, "Y-yeah...whatever. That doesn't matter. We have things to do."

I rise to my feet, nodding, "Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

Just then, a cheerful voice chimes, "Yatty! Y/N! Yoo-hoo! You weren't going to start without us, were you?"

I turn, the view of Kofuku and Daikoku becoming what I see as their frames move through the darkness, the cherry blossoms surrounding them. As usual, Kofuku is wearing a cheerful smile as she dances to us, Daikoku taking long strides behind her, a lit cigarette hanging between his lips.

"Yatty!" Kofuku sings, throwing her arms around Yato. "Yatty! Yatty! Yatty!"

"K-Kofuku?" he says in a quizzical tone. "What are you –"

"Y/N!" Kofuku sings, turning to me. "It feels like forever since I've last seen you! How come you quit coming to visit me?"

Honestly, I'm still caught off guard by Kofuku and Daikoku's abrupt appearance. Never once did it cross my mind that they'd be joining us. As far as I knew, it was just going to be Yato and me.

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