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"Why did Kaito leave?"

"Something about his dad shipping him off to London, England."

"What? Really? Just out of the blue like that?"


"Who told you, Itsumi?"


"She's talking to you? She hasn't said a word to Akari and me."

"I had to practically pry it out of her."

"She hasn't been the same since her family got back from holiday."

"I've noticed that too, Kimi. She's quieter. But why?"

"I don't know. She looks sad, too."

"Kimi, Itsumi, her boyfriend just moved to another country. She's probably being eaten alive by that."

"Oh. I didn't even think of that. But she'll get over him, right? I mean, he's just one guy."

"He's her first love."

"Really? At sixteen?"

"My mother tells me the first loves don't really mean anything."

"Mine too. Just puppy love."

"Well, that doesn't matter. Y/N is hurting. We should be there for her at this time."

"I'm good. After fighting her to answer me earlier I don't feel like trying."

"I agree with Itsumi. If Y/N feels like reaching out to us as friends do, then we'll be there, but we're not gonna fight her for friendship. So, it's all you, Akari."

"You guys aren't being serious, are you? We were the first people she met and now you're bailing on her?"

"Once again, all yours, Akari."

"Fine. Be that way. I'll be Y/N's friend."

The pain was unimaginable. My heart was crumbling, and my eyes were swollen from crying. Everything hurt and my body was stiff from the soreness. Nothing about my body felt like my own. Not then. Not anymore. It felt like I had been violated and ruined. I was damaged. Damaged and empty. The one thing I had left had been torn away from me and no one could know.

I never had a say.

**Ello lovelies! Yay! The prologue is officially up! I'm very excited to be back with this and to see where the final book takes us. Just a reminder I forgot to mention. At the end of this book, I will be holding the Fun Facts section. Feel free to submit any questions. They can be about my writing process, my OCs (Kaito, Akari, Itsumi, Kimi, Ree, Bridgette, and Mr. Sui), or whatever. I will be answering them in that section. I'll leave reminders throughout this book. Anyway, feel free to leave a vote/comment/follow! All support is 100% welcomed and appreciated! Thank you so much! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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