He told her to get dress and they both did before he grabbed his dagger and she grabbed her own. He held her hand as they walked outside and then they heard whispering, it was enemy soldiers. The two looked at horror as they turned to where the enemies were looking and notice torches being lit in the distant, it was an army and they ready to attack. 

"ENEMY ATTACK" Katie screamed not wasting any time before Matt started running pulling his sister along as the enemy soldiers chased them while Katie kept screaming Attack. Soon the whole base was awake and running out, fire arrows soon came shooting down at the base killing some while others took shelter. 

"crap" Matt mutter as an arrow blew by his face landing in the tent beside them, just missing him.

"Language" Katie replied and Matt turned to her before turning back to the arrow that just sent fire to the tent. 

"fuck language" Matt sighed and started running towards their father tent. 

"MATT" Katie yelled and pulled her brother as two soldiers came to a stop before them fighting. Matt nodded towards his sister before going around the soldiers, trying to make sure he or his sister got shot. 

"why aren't they using guns" Katie asked as her brother checked around a corner of tents.

"becuase this was planned to be a silent attack, they would just arrows to burn us alive and knifes to kill off the guards. Guns make nose meaning we would hear them" Matt explained and took a relief breath at seeing their father tent. 

"You think dad will be mad if I say 'i told you" Katie asked making her brother chuckle.

"just a little" Matt smiled and lifted back part of the tent sheets to look inside.


"dad" Matt called out as he looked around.

"Matt, why are you here .. where is your sister" Their father spoke with worry as he pulled his son into a hug before seeing Katie and pulling her into a tight hug.

"we need to go dad, the enemy have us out numbed and most of the soldiers got trapped by the fires. We saw a couple fights and the enemy are not taking prisoners" Matt replied with worry.

"No we can win this, my men are strong and we wouldn't lose to animals in the mountains" Their spoke up and broke the hug.

"dad, we wont win. Call for a retreat" Katie yelled at her father.

"no, we can win. Matt stay with your sister in my tent. I'm going to join the battle" Their father smiled and kissed his children cheeks before standing.

"if you go your die dad" Katie frowned and grabbed her father sleeve.

"Your just a child, Have faith in your father" he spoke with anger before leaving the tent.

"we running" Matt frowned and walked over to his father tent picking up an emergency packed backpack. 

"not gonna have faith in our father" Katie mutter as her brother took her hand leading her outside the tent.

"I love dad but I'm not stupid, we hide on the mountain and if we win then we return but at least we be a safe distant" Matt replied and started walking. Katie looked around the battle before her, a frown on her lips as horror filled her eyes. One after another her side was being slaughtered without mercy. She felt tears fill her eyes each time she passed a body and she wonder what was worth so much death.

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