Canada groaned as he open the door of his dorm to have a pillow threw at him in the face. "Jamaica for once will you stop throwing a pillow at me" Canada complained.

"How about no". Jamaica answered who was sitting on their couch watching the news. Canada rolled his eyes and went to the mini fridge to get a bottle of maple syrup.

"Hey weed boy you excited about the spring dance !" Jamaica yelled for the other room.

"No why would I it's just a dance with all the guys no one dancing except the..gays..which I have no problem with". Canada mumbled the last bit.

"Wait didn't you hear the girls school is going to be there". Jamaica said once without a smug attitude.

"FFFPPPPP" Canada spited out the maple syrup coughing a bit.
Jamaica looked behind him trying to see if his tree of a friend was okay.

"Weed you ok-


"Dude how did you not know ? Everyone knew why do you think everyone was so excited I mean there are posters everywhere how could you see them ?" Jamaica asked really confused.

Canada stood there for a solid minute just blinking before yelling.

"I CAN'T READ IN ENGLISH!" And with that he ran to his bedroom.

Jamaica just sat there confused.

"....wait but he can read English.."

"Is weed boi on weed ?"

Jamaica was confused and high. He'd looked back at the news to see a very familiar a news report.

"Many people believe that illegal drugs are now in high schools especially brooding schools police will be coming to check to see if this is true are not"


Canada screamed into his pillow. That was just pale ass embarrassing. Canada near a dinging noise. Canada groaned and looked over at his phone. Canada eyes lift up and smile crawled onto his face. He quickly picked up his phone and looked at the notification America sent him.

🌹Ame🇺🇸: hi 👋 hows your day ?

🍁Can 🇨🇦: embarrassing and I feel lied to

🌹Ame🇺🇸: oh why ?

🍁Can🇨🇦: just found out that YOU'RE school is joining us for the spring dance.

🌹Ame🇺🇸: Wait you seriously didn't know ?

🍁Can🇨🇦: Don't laugh at me! And yes I didn't know

🌹Ame🇺🇸: I sorry but this is quite funny
Hey um can I hang out with you at the dance for bit you seen I haven't seen you in person for ages?

🍁Can🇨🇦: of course wanna have a dance

...🌹Ame🇺🇸 is typing...


Canada could here Jamaica yelling in the other room.

🌹Ame🇺🇸: I loved to

Canada smiled and blushed .

'Wait why I am I blushing I don't like her ! She my childhood best friend that's all..but what if I do game felling for her I mean she makes me a lot other emotions that one else can ..or maybe it's because she the closest I've ever been with a girl yeah that's it this is how you feel with any girl...but I don't want to feel like this for any other girl'

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