Ship Time?

777 35 2

"F***ING b***s***!"

"iT w4$ @ BąD iD3^"

"Shut up, I'm the boss here."

"See, I was right. Horror, pay me up."

"Ugh, gosh dang it"

"We might need land an attack, I'll think about it later. Killer, come on. I need to talk to you."

"U-uh, Yes sir"

Nightmare and Killer left the room and went to the meeting room.

" 30g, if Nightmare's gonna ask Killer out."

"Oh yeah?! 75g if they did go out!"

"Oh Ho Ho, trying to challenge my luck, huh?"

"You bet I am."

"j3€z, y0\_/ gUy$ @r3 k1d$."

"Atleast we're having fun."

"You're too serious, Error. The only thing you pay attention to is how to kill Ink. I mean, I get it, but........ Find another hobby to fill up your time."

"You're hobby is simply just killing and eating, Horror."

"Atleast I have one"


( Nightmare and Killer enters the room)

"Alright, guys. New mission. We're going to give Cross a visit."

" Hey, That is not what you said before. "

"Shush, now."

"And why would I do that?"

"I don't know? You mostly only wanted your home to be destroyed and that's it"

"Geez, You boys never pay attention"

"Hey Kills! Want me to tell?!"

"Shut it, bonebag! You too Horror."

"Yes ma'am"

"Yes ma'am"

"s0 @r3 vvE gOnN4 v1$iT?"

" No, no ones leaving this very mansion till I say so."

"Since when are you the boss?"

"I may not be the boss, but I'm much more independent then you."

"Jeez, woman are hard."

"Says the phsycopath"

"Fine, just shush."

Sorry, I haven't been posting. My phone broke a few weeks before and I'm trying to continue it on PC. But it means every time I wanna continue, I have to be online. I'll try oftenly from now on because me and my siblings are having online schools due to corona.

See ya later, Little Muffins! 

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