what is it like?

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What is it like
knowing you haven't really lost anything?
What is it like
knowing you're okay without the intimacy and romance?
knowing I'm not really going anywhere and that you're just okay with friendship?
What is it like
when you get to be the one to walk away leaving me and knowing you are on your way to finding your own happiness and thinking that the words "It's not you it's me" is going to solve anything?
What is it like
knowing someone still loves you but you're content with them living without the love that you gave them which made them feel whole once?
What is it like
sleeping soundly at night knowing they haven't felt rest at all since you left?
What is it like
with all this time to be happy and feel free without them while they are feeling weak and feeble, unable to move or do or think or feel like they used to because you have left them out to drown in an open sea with no air to breathe?
What is it like? I want to know...

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