Puppy Finds His New Master

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'Make the noise stop... Please...'

Joey found himself back in the void again.

He felt a sudden, overwhelming dread sink into his chest and he plead to himself as he looked around. He plead that it wasn't real, tears falling out as he whispered softly. The endless black stretched across miles with no vanishing point. It felt like his eyes were still closed with how dark it was.

He fell to his knees weakly and tried to calm himself down, holding at his throat as he choked out scared sobs. He couldn't think straight, his mind running rapidly in his head and his thoughts jumping to the worst things that could happen to him in the darkness.

He was never prepared for it.

He gave quick, shallow breaths and his gaze darted all around him. He clutched his hair and curled into a ball, terrified as he tried to find where the next attack would come, try to predict what would happen to him...

He heard a sudden crash of glass and his eyes darted to look behind him, eyes almost pried open and pupils dilated.

"Whose there?!" His voice rose, pitch and volume peaking as he darted his gaze around at the void.

At first, his erratic eyes could find no difference in the dark. He remained tense, holding himself before he fainted from the rush of it all.

And then, he felt the floor suddenly disappear from below him. He began to fall, his arms stretched out as his breath hitched and his eyes squeezed tight. The wind compressed him, almost pushing him down faster. He suddenly felt a mass amount of pain in his face and gut, landing on a new void floor harshly. He felt his ribs scream in pain and he struggled to sit up.

When he stood, knees weak and breath rapid, he felt something cold and soaked press itself against the inward part of his back. He froze stiff, standing straight as he slowly turned his head to look at it...

The face he saw was old and wrinkly, the face of his father, and he shrieked when it began to melt. His clothes and hair mixed with his sickly gray skin and it began to claw at him. The thing on his back looked to be its hand, the sludge trying to melt its way onto his clothes and skin. The flesh on his face sagged down like melted metal, plopping on the ground.

Joey stepped back, tripping on his heel and falling back. He screamed, tears falling out as he scrambled to crawl away, watching as the goopy man in front of him crawled to catch up. Joey quickly turned around, scrambling to his feet, and began to run as far as he could.

He looked behind him to see that his father was left behind in the darkness. He felt almost relieved until he ran into a strong force, falling back and hitting the floor. He rubbed his head and looked up, his eyes going wide when he saw another version of his father.

The man grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, forcefully lifting him off the ground. The shirt tugged forcefully at his throat and it choked the boy, his hands clawing at the arm that held him off the floor. He choked, coughing and clawing more and more but he felt his vision fade. His movements got more and more frantic as he began to lose consciousness.

He suddenly felt something large shove itself down his throat.

Joey cried, hot tears spilling from his eyes as he gagged on what looked to be a gun. He tasted the metallic taste of gunpowder that leaked out of the bullet hole. It pressed itself at the back of his throat and Joey trembled, fearful that gunpowder meant that the gun was loaded...

He gave muffled cries but couldn't move to get the gun out of his mouth. His limbs felt like they were tied down by something on the ground. They felt heavy after so much clawing.

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