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Hello, wonderful Seto Kaiba x Joey shippers, you Yami x Yugi shippers, or anyone at all reading my cursed ass books, welcome one and all to this terrible book I made 4 years ago.

I have some wonderful and thankful news everyone so sit tight because I've got some typing to do, and you, some reading to do.

Your savior, "Author-kun", newer, older, and with a pair of transgender balls, has arrived at the case and is ready to wipe this book absolutely clean from its dusty chains of cringe.

I still see active viewers and this book is still getting #1 in hashtags, somehow, but this shit is, honestly, cringe. I honestly don't know how this book did and continues to do so well.

So! Seeing how much support this book has received, I have decided to sit my gay ass down, grab some energy drinks, and rewrite every square inch of this book, from announcements to author notes to chapters themselves! 

So let's begin with what this wonderful revamp will be able to do for the future of this book.

For one, I am fixing the plot. My more sane viewers have made me realize that middle school me started to write and did not read what he was writing, and it wasn't until I came back to this app to see that, good Lord, this plot has so many holes in it. The story jumps from one situation to the other with useless "lemon" scenes and random ass scenes where Joey can't even make any normal sentences and it was honestly terrible to read through. Therefore, I will actually draw together a script, a sort of layout for the book, and work my way through chapters. Deleting random parts, fixing basic grammar issues and sentence structures, and adding more realistic and sufferable scenes to make their relationship still seem so different and actually exciting to read about.

Second, I plan to absolutely wipe the beginning of the book. When I came back, I realized how clueless readers were when they began this book because we already start with Joey almost dying on the side of a road and Kaiba, for some reason, already being soft, which is never explained and NEEDS to be because Seto Kaiba, as a character, should not be soft for any reason. Good Ra, his man literally owns the world's biggest game company and has smiled a solid 3 TIMES in the show, and 2 were directed to Mokuba. This man is in no way soft, at all. So within reason, I will add a whole new chapter to the beginning, maybe even two, completely setting the roots of how they even got into the mess they were in. Hopefully, it helps set the foundation as to how shit became shit.

Third of all, I will start this with a warning because Wattpad has an absolute dog water of a team for this. As you may have seen, the older Author here has grown a pair of balls and is cussing WAY more often now. Young, soft, "uwu", author had all this cute stuff with conversations with the characters and never cussed and said all this cute, yucky shit but this author ain't like that now. I've decided to keep the small interactions in the chapters so this story isn't basic as hell, but interactions will most definitely be more "interview"y and less "Oh no, they had sex, guess we can't talk, on with the chapter". The characters won't be interacting with past or current chapters and will only talk or goof around as in-character people who don't know I'm writing this. This will draw attention from the convos to the book so they are both separate entries. 

And lastly, I will be much more interactive with comments and will be absolutely open to criticism. I understand that so many of you read this and were genuinely like "What was this girl thinkin' when she made this?", but I fear not. I have a much stronger, harder grasp of English's balls than before and I plan to showcase this writer's true talents in a way that isn't cringe as hell like before. The reason I haven't completely dropped this book is that I truly believe there is hidden talent in this book. There are almost 10 fucking thousand of you guys reading and enjoying this book and I wholeheartedly plan to jump back to my roots and slave away for all of you because writing genuinely makes me happy, and so does gay shit and we are all hyped for some gay shit, aye?

That about closes my news article here. Thank you so much to my supporters here on Wattpad. I plan to make this revamp the best thing that has happened to this account and I hope you will all stick with me in this journey to purify this book. And as the younger me once said, I hope to see you guys in the next chapter. Sayonara!

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