A Dog's New Home

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Joey remembered Kaiba holding his hand out.

He remembered falling into his arms and feeling the blood rush to his head... And then, nothing. It felt like nothing for a while...

After a bit, he felt this immense darkness grab him from behind. He didn't even know he was standing until he felt his knees buckle into whatever was holding him. Maybe he was sitting on it... No, he felt like he was being carried. His eyes felt so heavy, he couldn't even try to open them.

The darkness didn't feel threatening though.

It felt gentle and cautious as if it were protecting him. As if he were glass. The most fragile piece of art. After years of holding himself up on his own, walking without crutches to push up his weak knees on terrible days and faking that he was okay, being held so carefully felt peaceful. It felt nice. So nice.

He thought the last time he felt so safe was when he was a kid, when he was still with Serenity and his mom when they were all a family again...

He felt the shadow walk, still carrying him as they walked an endless road. He tried to pry his eyes open but they felt so heavy, and the feeling of being held felt so good, he felt scared to open his eyes if this was a dream. If all of this was just a dream... He wanted to savour it as much as he could.

After maybe a few minutes of walking, the air seemed to change. Instead of the damp smell of rain and wet grass, the smell of furniture and a small amount of mint filled his head. Did they enter a building? The mint helped the emptiness in his stomach calm down a bit.

He felt soft bedding underneath him and he felt himself sink in. It felt warm and fresh on his sickly cold skin.

But the darkness started to leave, and he felt his skin tingle painfully in the places where it touched him. They felt burned but also hurt against the cold air. He needed the warmth again, desperately. It felt like the need for water or food; He needed it.

His hand moved on its own and it grabbed at the darkness. It clutched a piece of fabric and soon his eyes peeked open.

His weak eyes looked at those icy-blue ones again. He felt the blood rush to his face again and the words he was trying to say caught in his throat, but instead of a flushing feeling, it felt suffocating. He felt sick, but couldn't breathe.

He shied away and slowly let go, his fingers reluctant but he clawed them away weakly. He desperately wanted the warmth back but he couldn't find the words. It's like they were caught in his throat and couldn't escape. So he stayed silent. It didn't stop his fists from curling on the blanket below him.

The eyes gave him one last look before they completely disappeared. The person with the icy-blue eyes walked out of the room and left him isolated.

He curled into himself, his senses coming and going, but knew he was far too tired and weak to be able to do anything. He weakly looked at his bloody hands. So dry and shaky. Covered in mud and rain, his nails and knuckles were bloodied. He could still feel the blood on his teeth, the blood on his hands, the blood in his clothes.

Everything felt so cold.

Joey remained in the bed, his mind so completely scattered. He was still questioning where he was and what had happened. His neck felt painfully stiff from resting on the tree and his stomach still felt empty, but the bed he laid on felt nice. Like a cloud.

He sunk into the bed and closed his eyes, the cold soon being replaced with the warmth from the bed. And for the first time in his life, he began to sleep peacefully.

But the darker evil still grabbed at his heart, and it never planned to let go.


[REVAMP] A Fateful Encounter Under A Tree | Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now