Secrets Out

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~Third Person POV~

Sonic growled and ran back to the lab where his friends were at. His face red with anger and his heart racing with jealousy and rage. Everyone except Shadow looked at him with concern.

"YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT I SAW!" Sonic shouted, pacing the room with heavy foot steps. His hands clenched in fists as his ears were pulled back. Tails looks at him with confusion and walks up to him. He places a hand on Sonic's shoulder so Sonic could stop walking for a second.

"What did you see?" Knuckles asked. All of them knew Sonic wasn't one to get mad easily, and if he was this mad, he must of had to see something that was rare enough to make him mad.

"Calm down Sonic" Tails tells him. Sonic took a few seconds to take a few deep breaths and to calm himself down. Tails looks at him to make sure he was good. Sonic saw this and nodded his head as he looked up at them calmly.

"I saw (y/n) with Infinite, they were deep in the forest, having a picnic" Sonic frowned. Everyone but Shadow gasped, but Shadow's eyes widened instead. Everyone looked at each other with concerned looks, except for Tails. Instead, Tails seemed to be very worried and acted as if he knew about this. However, his friends didn't notice the message behind his actions and face.

"I uh, I gotta go!!! This- this is so bad but I gotta go!" Tails stammered as he ran out. His heart beat 100mph as worry was implanted on his face. It took him at least 7 minutes to get to (y/n)'s and Infinite's location, where they still sat and talked. "(Y/N)!! INFINITE!!" Tails shouted with worry. (Y/n) looks toward him with a look of concern as she stood to face him.

"What's wrong Tails?" (Y/n) asked. Infinite stood and stepped forward. Standing next to (y/n) as he had a look of concern as well. Tails began to stutter the words as he pant, out of breath from running so far and so fast.

"S-s-sonic, they-they-" Tails bent down and placed his hands on his knees. "Sonic saw you and Infinite having a picnic, he told the whole crew, and Eggman knows to!" Tails exclaimed. Infinite's eyes widened as he began to feel a bit if fear build up in his chest.

"What!? Eggman will come looking for Infinite!! And Sonic will come looking for me!" (Y/n) exclaimed as well. Filling with worry and fear as well.

~With Silver and Shadow-

Silver and Shadow ran or hovered past trees as they made their way to the mysterious lab where Eggman’s creations kept disappearing. (y/n) and Infinite had already made their way back to the lab. And Tails was already back at Eggman's lab.

"Hey Shadow, do you actually think (y/n) would actually hang out with Infinite?" Silver turned his head toward the edgy hedgehog. Shadow groaned as his expression turned into an agitated and edgy, with a tad bit of hurt and worry as he kept his look in front of him.

"I can believe it, she got mad at me, Sonic, and Knuckles for talking about Infinite" Shadow says. Silver looked away slightly as if he was kind hurt for Shadow and Sonic, but looked back forward. "What I can't believe is that she left us for one little argument"

"Well, yeah, I guess, I wanna ask though, do you.. like her? It's obvious Sonic does, but do you?" Silver asked, looking back at Shadow but immediately running into the trunk of a tree. Shadow snickered without Silver's knowing as he stopped in front of a dirty looking lab. He stood and folded his arms as he looks up at it. Silver rubbed his head as he walked up to Shadow's side.

"This is the place" Shadow says as he walks around the building, looking for some window or hole to look through. Silver went around the other way to look for a window or hole with Shadow. Neither hedgehog paid attention to where they were walking. Once both hedgehogs reached the other side, and hit the middle. Both collided, causing their lips to land on one another. Both faces turned red as they quickly pull away from each other. "S-sorry, I-... I wasn't paying attention"

"M-me neither" Silver said as he looked up at the building. Immediately spotting a window, he pointed to it.

"There we go" Shadow says as he watches Silver use his telekinesis to fly up to the window. Silver looks inside, his eyes widening once he saw Eggman's creations roaming around inside. "What do you see?"

"... I see, Metal Sonic, Metal Shadow, Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll, Metal Silver, Metal Espio, Metal Amy, Infinite, and (y/n)" Silver names off. Shadow rolls his eyes as he looks back at Silver.

"Alright, we need to go tell Sonic and Eggman, see what Eggman wants to do about this" Shadow orders. Silver drops down on the ground and nods as they both start running back toward Eggman's base.

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