The Search For (Y/n)

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~At The Resistance~Sonic's POV

I messed up so bad! I should not have argued with her! Now she is out there doing who knows what! If anyone hurts her, I swear.

"Nice going Sonic!" I heard Vector say. I look at him with an aggravated face.

"Yeah, if you and your big mouth didn't aggravate her, she would still be here" I heard Charmy complain.

"It wasn't all his fault!" At least Tails has my back.

"Yeah, Sonic was just defending his opinion" Amy has my back to. But It was my fault.

"Why don't we all shut up and go find her!" Did Shadow say that? Why does he care for her? We all run out of the bunker and make it to the surface. Me and Shadow run around the planet at least five times, maybe 10. But no (y/n). How? I have had to check everywhere! Every forest, every town, every street, every plain! While me, Shadow, Espio, and Silver check out the open spaces. Tails, Amy, Vector, Charmy, Rouge, & Knuckles check all of the houses. Still no (y/n). I wish I had never said anything about Infinite. Wait, there is one place we didn't check! Eggman's base!

"Any luck?" Amy asks. I look down and shake my head. Everyone else shook their heads and mumbled no.

"This is all your fault!" I turned toward Shadow, who seemed really mad and had a finger pointing at me.

"ME!? You wanted to argue with her too! So it's your fault to!" I shout back. Clenching my fists, and quietly growling.

"I only said one thing! The rest was all you! You got her mad! You talked shit about Infinite straight to her face! You know she doesn't like hearing people talk shit about evil villains" -Shadow

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't get to know her like you do because I don't follow and hang out with her as much as you!" It's true. Shadow and (y/n) are always hanging out, mostly after the war against Infinite and Eggman.

"Guys, we need to keep looking for (y/n)!" Both me and Shadow turn to Silver. We both sign and nod our heads. Fighting won't get us anywhere.

"Let's go look for (y/n)"

~In Eggman's Lair~Eggman's POV

"Orbot! Cubot! Track down Metal Sonic!" I shout, I watch the two nitwit's float over to the computer. I stand behind them and watch the screen. The map comes up, and we see the little pictures of where all of my creations are. Except Infinite and Metal Sonic.

"Um, Sir" I heard Orbot say. They both turn towards me and look up at me. "The computer is not picking up his signal"

"Then track him back to his last location!" I shout, our alarm goes off. So obviously it was Sonic. But what did I do? I haven't even attacked yet! I went to go run to the entrance, but Sonic and his little crew appeared in front of me.

"Eggman!" Again, what did I do? I know I tried to take over the world again but it's past that.

"What?" I ask, my face straight and my big mustache long and beautiful.

"We know you captured (y/n)! Now let her go doctor!" Shadow? Why would they think I captured (y/n)? It's Sonic who I want.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a soul in any of my cages! Go take a look!" I shout. Sonic seemed confused and ran to where I kept him captive. Running to every cage like an idiot. Shadow ran around to, I'm guessing he was checking every other place in my evil lair. About 5 minutes later Sonic and Shadow run back to me and their group. Both of them looked sad.

"She isn't here" Sonic said, see! I'm innocent this time! I didn't do a thing!

"Then where else could she be?" Amy asked, can I be caught up with the system here?

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you looking for (y/n)? Isn't she supposed to be with you?" Orbot asked, I look back to the group. Most of them made a mean face at Sonic. I looked at Sonic, who looked like he was filled with guilt. What did he do to the girl this time?

"She was, Sonic decided to talk shit about Infinite, so him and (y/n) had a fight and now she quit the resistance and we can't find her" Finally, at least Knuckles had the guts to tell.

"Oooohhhhh ok, Want some help? Maybe we can work together! And help each other! If I help you find (y/n) without any evil tricks, I want you to help me find Metal Sonic and Infinite, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssseee!" I beg, Sonic groans.

"Fine! But no funny business" why does Sonic not sound happy? At least I agree to help him without any evil tricks up my sleeves!

Second Chance (Infinite x Fox Reader) ~Completed~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ