Metal Knuckles

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~Your POV

I'm walking around in the forest again. Looking for more Eggman inventions while Infy stays at the lab and watches Metal Sonic. I heard something come from the bushes. I went to check it out and nothing was there. I continue walking with the wagon being dragged behind me by my waist. I stop, and unbuckle the wagon from me. I stood there and listened to my surroundings. All of a sudden I felt a hard punch to my back. I hit a tree in front of me. I quickly turn around to fine Metal Knuckles! I stand up, holding my side. Another punch to my stomach, smashing me into the tree.

~Infinite's POV

I'm sitting here, making sure Metal doesn't do anything bad, and all of a sudden I hear a scream coming from the forest.

"Metal, stay right here! Do NOT move!" I tell him as I quickly run out of the lab. Why am I gonna go help the person who belonged to the scream? Because that was (y/n)'s scream. I kept running and finally caught up with her. My eyes widened when I saw that Metal Knuckles was about to kill her. I quickly run up and claw him. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" The robotic Knucklehead comes charging after me. I jump up and smash it into the ground. Basically destroying him. I put Knuckles into the wagon and buckled it around my waist. Then I pick (y/n) up and carry her to the lab bridal style.

~Your POV

I wake up in my bed, in my lab. When I looked down I saw Infinite with his head laying on the bed. He looked like he was asleep, but how did I get here? Wasn't I trying to find more Eggman robot's about robot parts? The bed creaks when I move and I see Infinite's ear twitch. His head lifted up and I could see his adorable two colored eyes.

"Oh good, you're alive," Infy says with relief. I thought he wanted to kill me?

"What happened?" I groaned. It took about 5 to 7 minutes to explain what happened. He-..... he saved me? Wow........ he also told me how messed up Metal Knuckles is. But he was also mean about his explanation, is he trying to act mean and tough so he doesn't lose his "reputation" of being a mean and nasty Jackal? I think it's cute when he acts tough. His insults don't hurt and his impression of a deep voice is cute! He thinks he's being edgy, but he ain't. We stand up and walk out of my room where Metal Sonic was watching Metal Knuckles. And Infinite wasn't lying about how wreaked he was! He was shredded from what seemed was adult Jackal claws. But it's ok if he was saving me. It just might take me only a few hours. Due to how bad Metal Knuckles was! Thank chaos Infinite did that to Knuckles. Why? Because as I was fixing Metal Sonic, I found a messed up Robotnik tracker in him. Thankfully it was previously destroyed and Eggman hasn't come for his invention.

~At Eggman's base~No One's POV

Eggman sat at his computer, with Sonic and the resistance surrounding it.

"Um sir?" Orbot began, Eggman and the crew looked toward the red robot. "Metal Knuckles have gone missing" Orbot pointed to the monitor. On there it showed all of Eggman's creations, except Metal Sonic, Infinite, and Metal Knuckles. Eggman looked at it in disbelief. Sonic rolls his eyes as Knuckles groans.

"How can that be? What is happening to them? Where are they? And why aren't you trying to find them!?" Eggman smacks Orbot and Cubot. "GET TO WORK!" He shouts. The two terrified robots quickly turned to the computers and began to type.

"And how is this supposed to help us find (Y/n)?" Sonic asked impatiently. Eggman rolled his eyes and looked at the agitated speedster.

"Well, I think she is trying to steal my robotic creations, and by my calculations, with my creations she could rule the world!" Eggman explained. Sonic looked at him in disbelief. They all knew (Y/n) wasn't evil, they know her too well.

"Try again Egghead! (Y/n) wouldn't ever try to hurt us! Or this world!" Sonic shouted. Eggman put his hands up for defence, feeling like Sonic was going to attack. Sonic was about to, he cared for (y/n). He honestly had a crush on her, but now he just wants her back to the resistance. Regretting every word he had said to her. A few times after she left Sonic had almost burst into tears. Missing her, and just wanting to have her back.

~Your Lab~Your POV

I am halfway done with Metal Knuckles. It's only been 3:01 since I started, now it's 4:33. I have been working for exactly 1 hour and 32 minutes. I looked up from the inside of Metal Knuckles and saw Infy laying on the couch watching tv.

"Why don't you get up and do something?" I ask, his head pops up over the couch and turns my direction.

"Like what?" He asked me, there is a lot of things to do.

"Well, You could help me with fixing Metal Knuckles, or play cards such as Uno or Poker with Metal Sonic" I heard him groan and his footsteps became louder as they came toward me.

"I'll help you I guess, it is my fault that Knuckles was clawed up like that" He sighs and sits on the work table next to me.

"It wasn't your fault, but I have a question, why did you save me? I thought you wanted me to die?" I ask, he went silent and didn't speak for a few minutes. Obviously he didn't want to answer for some reason.

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