Chapt.6 - Rainy Day

Start from the beginning

I nodded and stood there akwardly.

I watched him clean his plate.He walked out the kitchen."Come on." He said making his way back upstairs and i followed.

As i sat on the bed i watched him get dressed.He slipped on a pair of black jeans,a red tee that quoted,"She Want The D," and a pair of red and black 6's and he threw on a red crew neck with Mickey Mouse' Middle Fingers thrown up.

"Really?" I asked confronting his t-shirt and crew neck.

"What?" He chuckled

"Your attire is so innapropriate."

"What you want me to take it off."

"No its fine , i actually like it but you know."

"Oh, come on,"

I watched as the water continuously fell on the window,bits by bits.I smiled to myself.I actually like rainy days,well when im not going anywhere.But i love the feeing of being home and its raining outside,it just makes a house feel more like home.I glanced over to my left to see Jason engaged on the road.God,He looks really sexy when he's driving,in all honesty.His seat back,one hands propped up on the wheel and other resting quietly on the handle.Feet open and relaxed,still controlling the gas and the breaks.He makes driving look overratedly easy.

When we came to a stop we were infront of Brown and Red brick house.It was big but not to the point of a mansion,very close to it.

Jason got out and i did as well pulling the umbrella over my head.I followed Jason,as he approached the house,knocking in the door.

A creamy complexioned,black haired,slim toned guy stood before us.He had on a wife beater and grey sweats and looked like he just woke up from a nap.He had Dark brown eyes and was tall but cute looking.

He yawned letting us in,and i followed behind Jason."Everyone else is gonna be here in a few but you guys are the first."

He looked me over." Whos this?"He looked towards Jason.

"This Is Brittany."He towards The guy.And i was guessing that,that meant something but i let it go,for now.

He smiled more of a smirkish smile." Oh okay."He reached his hand out towards me and i shook it hesitantly.

"I'm Danny,Im cool so you dont have to be nervous around me,just be yourself." He kindly nudged me.

I smiled and followed as they both took a seat.I quietly examined the house.Not really going into detail but i would say it looked homey and relaxing.

It was now 3:30 and the room was packed with guys.We were now in Danny's basement and the room was filled with guys i believe who were apart of Jason's gang. They were smoking and drinking which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I mean, I've drank a little before but the smell of weed and smoke really bothered my nostrils. They were talking business and some were engaged in their own conversation.I was quietly sitting in a corner examiningthe scene before me.There were people who questioned my beingS but i paid no mind to it and just kept to myself. Jason glanced over at me a few times but kept to what he was doing. I felt my phone vibrate and i pulled it out seeing thag i recieved a message.It was Merissa.

I unlocked my phone to see what it read.I seen that it was just a URL Link from a website i asked her to send me.I sucked my teeth and pushed my phone back in my pocket.

I jumped as i realized Jason was next to me.He chuckled.

"Why are you so quiet?"

I just shrugged.

He chuckled once again and kissed me on my forehead.

"we'll leave soon 4 hours the least."

"4 hours! Thats not soon."i stared at him

He laughed." Dont stress,it wont be long."

It was now 8:06 at night and i was sitting here,right here in the same exact seat.

"Ready to go?" i looked up at Jason who looked tired and stressed.

I nodded and got up,moaning in pain.I was sitting for so long my butt felt like it turned to stone. I limped and jason Held my arms as i tried to adjust my self.

"Before we leave,i have to use the bathroom." I looked up at him.

"You held it in this whole time?"

I nodded.

I was led to the bathroom and when i was done and washed my hand,i met Jason outside getting in the car as he drove off.

"Ugh.Im so hungry."

Jason looked over at me." You want Mc.Donald's ? Were about to drive past it."

"Please." I blew out in a sigh of relief

We ordered what we wanted and headed back home.When we got in the house,i threw my shoes off quickly running to the shower.When i got out i threw on white sweats and a tank top,with black socks.

I also washed my hair so i just threw it up in a messy bun.I was trying to get the weed scent out of my hair,body, and clothes.And that is exactly what i did.

I bumped into Jason Going downstairs.He was trying to hug me but i blew him off." Go take a shower first."

He frowned."come on Brii."

"Nope." I carefully pushed past him.

He eventually did take a shower, and we spent the night stuffing our faces and relaxing.

~ ~ Ok so here you go a New Chapter.Anyways,i just want to note that , the more you guys vote and give feeback and support this story is the more it motivates me to write honestly. When i get support, i get filled with joy and want to write more.The feedback you guys give me is my Motivation . But thank you and i hope you guys really do enjoy this Story ...

Till Next Time...

Also near the end i didnt really proof read so if there are any mistakes im deeply sorry and this also goes for further chapters,if there are any mistakes,deeply sorry ...

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