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“Woah Kwon Eunbi, Kang Hyewon, is there no other place to do that?”

Hyewon and Eunbi gulped.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this. I kind of know about you two,”
“Kkura, you know?” Hyewon asked Sakura who was not surprise at all.
“Since when?” Eunbi asked.
“The other day I saw you two in this room too and that night when I went to your house, I saw a shoe at the door so I figure you are not alone and Eunbi was with you,” Sakura explained.
“And, you are okay about this?” Hyewon was curious.
“Well, it’s your life and I don’t want to mess with it but I don’t know about Chaewon and Wonnie though,”
“You don’t hate me?” Eunbi questioned again.
“Truthfully, I hate no one, but I dislike it when Yujin goes around beating up my girls,” Sakura added.
“Will you keep this a secret?” Hyewon was worried.
“Don’t worry, it’s a secret. But, you two, get a proper place to do that, not at school!”

Sakura shook her head in disbelief and left. Hyewon and Eunbi looked at each other.

“Can we trust her?” Eunbi doubt.
“If it’s Sakura, yes we can,”

= = = = =

Hitomi was in the washroom, cleaning her face. She was sleepy after a long study. Soon, Nako entered. Hitomi gulped as Nako stared at her. Hitomi immediately wiped her face with a handkerchief and was ready to leave but Nako blocked her way.

“Let’s talk,”
“I did nothing wrong, so we have nothing to talk,” Hitomi said.
“You think so? Hey!”

Nako pushed Hitomi that she was pushed back to the wall. Nako crossed her arms. Hitomi trembled in fear. Nako is small but she is scary.

“For the upcoming test, I want to be number one, so you, screw up your test,” Nako ordered.
“Nako...I can’t do that,”
“You have no choice! You do it or you face the consequences!” Nako warned.

Hitomi was loss for words. Nako was really mean.

“Remember. Screw up or I will make sure Mom hit you to death,”

Nako checked herself in the mirror and left. Hitomi sighed.

“That bitch is crazy,”

Hitomi was surprised to see Chaewon coming out from the broken toilet.

“Chaewon? What are-,”
“Did she always treat you that way? That little Nako?” Chaewon asked.
“No! You misunderstood. It’s a joke!”
“Joke? Hii-chan, no one joke like that! That kid is threatening you! I should knock some sense into her,”

Chaewon was about to leave but Hitomi grabbed her wrist and pulled her.

“No. Please no,” Hitomi begged.
“Why not? She is going to kill you at this rate! Wonyoung told me everything!” Chaewon revealed.
“What? Wonyoung did?” Hitomi was shocked.
“Yes! She told me everything about what happened to you. She can stay silent but not me! I will beat that kid,”
“Chaewon please. If you care, don’t do anything,” Hitomi pleaded.

Chaewon stopped. She stared at Hitomi. That girl was holding pain. The tears in her eyes showed it all. Chaewon let out a sigh.

“What are you going to do about it then?” Chaewon asked.
“Let her. Leave her alone and she won’t bother me. That’s how I survive all this time. I will leave that house once I graduated and I will run away from them, so please leave them alone,” Hitomi said with tears.

Chaewon heart soften. That girl in front of her suffered and yet she refused for help. She did not want to hurt them. Her heart is too kind and the bad people took advantages of her.

“Chaewon, do it for me okay? Can you?”

Chaewon lost. Maybe Hitomi had her reason and she thought that was the best for her.

“Okay, I will be like Wonnie, stay quite, but, if she hurt you I will really kick her small body!” Chaewon warned.

Hitomi giggled. She wiped the tears falling from her eyes.

“Don’t cry Hii-chan, I won’t do it because you said so,” Chaewon assured.
“Thank you Chaewon, I’m glad I have you and Wonyoung to rely on,” Hitomi smiled.
“Just take care and do stupid thing okay? And make sure to call me if anything happen and I will run to you,”
“I will,”
“Now clean up your face before that little devil notice,”

Chaewon took some tissue and helped to clean up Hitomi’s tears. Hitomi’s heart beats fast as Chaewon touched her face.

“You are all clean, look at that cheek,” Chaewon teased.
“,” Hitomi awkwardly said with her blushing face.
“No problem, anything for you,”

The two walked out of the washroom and encountered Yuri. Yuri was confused to see Chaewon and Hitomi together. She looked at them suspiciously.

“Why are you with her?” Yuri pointed at Chaewon.
“We are from the washroom,”
“Hii-chan, come here,”

Yuri pulled Hitomi away from Chaewon. She hid Hitomi behind her.

“Jo Yuri, what’s with you?” Chaewon questioned.
“You stay away from Hii-chan, don’t bother her,”
“Why? She is my friend too!” Chaewon protested.
“Just stay away!”

Yuri dragged the confused Hitomi away. Hitomi bid goodbye and Chaewon was left there puzzled. Yuri was acting weird. Chaewon scratched her head but suddenly a force pushed her down.

“Chaewon unnie!”

It was Wonyoung who jumped on her, which surprised her.

“What are you doing here?” Wonyoung asked.
“I’m from the washroom,”
“Let’s go eat, I’m hungry!” Wonyoung invited.

Wonyoung took Chaewon to the cafe and as soon as they entered, Chaewon eyes caught Minju and Yujin who were sitting at the corner. They were laughing while taking pictures using Yujin’s phone. Chaewon ignored them and followed Wonyoung.

“For you,”

Wonyoung gave Chaewon an empty tray and the two began filling it up with food. When they were done, they sat in the middle table.

“This is delicious,” Wonyoung said as she munched on the crispy chicken.
“Yep, eat this, this is tasty too!”

Chaewon fed Wonyoung a slice of sausages and Wonyoung gave her a thumbs up since it was really tasty as Chaewon said. Wonyoung was eating fast that she was a mess.

“Wonnie, your mouth,”
“What?” Wonyoung asked.

Chaewon took a napkin and wiped the sauce on Wonyoung’s lips.

“There, all clean,”
“Thank you!” Wonyoung said and continued eating.

Chaewon ruffled Wonyoung’s hair which annoyed her. Chaewon smiled when Wonyoung complained but she loves it. Wonyoung really can make her happy that she forget a pair of eyes were watching. Minju saw what happened but pretended she did not. Minju busy herself playing with Yujin but she could not deny, she was jealous.

= = = = =

Yena and Nako were in the library again to study. Yena checked the time, it was lunch time but Nako was still studying. Nako was so focused that she barely talk to Yena. Yena spun her pen around and accidentally dropped it on the table. Yena froze as she saw Nako glaring at her.


Nako continued her work and Yena watched her. Yena began to examine her from her head to her hand. Nako has a fair skin. And she is small. That was what Yena get from the examination.

“If you don’t plan to study, you can leave,”

Yena immediately pretended to do her work. Nako is cruel when she is studying and you do not want to mess with her. After an hour, Yena was getting sleepy that she ended up sleeping, leaning her head on the table. Nako took a glance at her.

“ hard my ass,”

Nako resumed her work. After two hours, Yena woke up from her sleep. She was surprised to see Nako was no longer there. Her stuff was still there along with a piece of note was left behind.

“I’m going to the rooftop for fresh air,”

Yena rubbed her eyes, searched for her phone and went up to the rooftop. She saw Nako staring at the sky. Yena stopped, taking the time to admire Nako. Yena’s hand moved in a speed of lightning and captured Nako’s picture.


Yena did not realise she had been staring at Nako until her phone vibrate. Yena snapped back to the reality and kept her phone in her pocket.

“Nako!” Yena greeted.
“Owh you are here,” Nako greeted back.

Yena stood next to Nako, staring at the sky too.

“So, what’s in your mind?” Yena asked.
“You must be thinking of something,”
“Right? I do. I am thinking whether what I’m doing right now is right. Sometime, it feels wrong but a part of me still want to do it,”
“That sounds like a big problem, mind to share?”
“Ermm...maybe not. I will think over about this,”
“Owh, okay, I won’t pressure you,”

They both stay silent until Nako questioned,

“Yena, does Wonyoung like anyone?”
“Wonyoung? Wow this is so sudden, I have no idea. Why though?”
“I’m just curious,”

Nako checked her phone and turned to Yena.

“Now, let’s go study!”
“But, I just come here!” Yena protested.
“Nope. Time is up. Let’s go,”

Nako dragged Yena back to the library and the two continued to study.

= = = = =

Chaeyeon and Sakura were at Seulgi’s birthday party. Sakura got an invitation and thought taking Chaeyeon there might help with their plan. Chaeyeon went along with Sakura plan and they both went to the party. It was a party at a night club. When Chaeyeon entered, the security was tight because everyone there was a celebrity or some influential people. Sakura was so nervous even though she knows most of the people there. Chaeyeon stayed closed with Sakura as they entered the club. The music was loud and it was quite dark. Seulgi was talking with some friends and there was Irene sitting next to her, looking as cold as an ice princess.

“Let’s abort the plan shall we?”

Chaeyeon was surprised when Sakura suddenly suggested that.

“But, we are here,”
“Maybe next time,” Sakura said.
“Okay, if you said so,”

Chaeyeon and Sakura were about to leave but Seulgi noticed them and called them. They had no choice but to greet Seulgi. Sakura was holding tight on Chaeyeon’s hand. Chaeyeon handed Seulgi her present.

“Thanks, and wow, you two look good together!” Seulgi complimented.
“We do?” Sakura smiled awkwardly.

Sakura noticed the glare from Irene. Irene stopped drinking and she was looking at Chaeyeon and Sakura hand that was locked together. Sakura felt uncomfortable but she just would not let go of Chaeyeon’s hand.

“Babe, let’s dance,” Irene approached Seulgi.
“This is unusual, let’s go,”

Seulgi followed Irene to the dance floor and Sakura sighed. She turned to Chaeyeon.

“Maybe I should just give up,” Sakura said.
“Hey, you saw how she looked at us right? She is probably jealous,” Chaeyeon convinced.
“Chae, I don’t know anymore,”

Sakura got frustrated and went to the bar. She ordered some alcoholics drink and gulped them down.

“Sakura, stop it,” Chaeyeon took the glass away.
“Look, she looks happy there, I shouldn’t ruin her happiness,”

Sakura stared at Irene and Seulgi who were laughing while happily dancing together. That smile was something that Sakura never see when she was with Irene.

“I’m going to leave,”

Sakura walked out of the club and Chaeyeon ran after her. Chaeyeon let Sakura walked ahead of her as they went through the empty street. It was a cold night after all.

“Just go home Chaeyeon,” Sakura said.
“Nope. Just pretend I’m not here,” Chaeyeon refused.

Sakura stopped and turned to Chaeyeon. She walked closer to Chaeyeon.

“I’m totally fine!” Sakura stated.
“I know,”
“Then why are you following me?”
“Because we are heading the same way,” Chaeyeon answered.

Sakura stomped her feet and continued walking. Chaeyeon still followed her quietly.

“Lee Chaeyeon! Stop following me!”

Sakura looked mad as she glared at Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon took a few step closer to Sakura. Chaeyeon shook her head.

“I can’t do that,”
“Because I need to make sure you arrive home safely,”
“Arghh whatever,”

Suddenly, their phone rang. A message popped out. Sakura and Chaeyeon read the text.

“Irene and Seulgi announced engagement,”

Sakura almost dropped her phone. Tears were falling and she was trembling.


Sakura almost fell but Chaeyeon managed to catch her. Chaeyeon wrapped her hand around Sakura and whispered,

“Don’t cry, I’m here for you,”

School 2020(Iz*one Version)Where stories live. Discover now