✨Chapter 4✨

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Continuation to Chapter 3 my Darlings ;)

Enjoy ;)


The Music seemed to be muffled now between Foxy and Mangle, he just crossed his arms and just laughed lightly making Mangle more anxious for his response

"Simple, I just did a good deed does that answer your Question kitten?" Foxy said with a devilish smirk, mangle looks at him confused then disappointed that he didn't quite explain why..

"Why though? You're like a very dangerous Criminal that everyone fears, I don't understand why you saved my life, there has to be a explanation." Mangle said hoping he tells her sometime of explanation

He smiles with this Cunning expression and pats her head like if she were a small child

"Are you Afraid of me young one?" Foxy said as he presses her nose which made Mangle scoff at him, she feels like if she's suddenly getting bullied

"Kinda Mr. Bad Guy, now tell me stop blocking me out and tell me." Mangle said as she bravely crossed her arms at stared deep into his Golden Yellow eyes

Foxy laughs as he turns his head away seeing the Bartender calling him over

"Excuse me kitten." Foxy said with a sly grin now walking off leaving Mangle there standing all Alone with the jealous girls laughing at her

Foxy grabbed his drink then walks over to her Seeing her stand there innocently looking down, he didn't know why but, something about her..

Makes him feel so bound to her..

"I'm back, now where were we kitty?" Foxy said now taking a sip of his wine, Mangle sighs and shakes her head gently feeling this Bad Guy make her lose her patience

He really likes to play games huh? Mangle said in her head not realizing that he is now wrapping his arm once again on her hourglass figured waist

"Like to play games huh? Mr. Bad Guy." Mangle said with a small eye roll, he just laughs at her response then sighs hugging her waist tighter

Who does he think he is? To grab my waist this way?! Mangle thought as her face turned more red..

"Aye, I do it's not much fun by just giving ye the answer easily without a fun Game kitten." Foxy said in a teasing voice as he lifts up her chin

I offically give up for now...Mangle thought feeling defeated staring at him as he is now enjoying his wine..

He notices and stops drinking, he get's an idea and grins as he puts the wine infront of her

"Here, kitten want some I see." Foxy said now bringing it much closer to her, mangle freezes and gasps at his sudden action..

"Excuse me? Who do you think I am Mr. Bad Guy." Mangle said as she looked at the wine then back at him who shrugs

"What? Do you not drink wine young one?" Foxy said leaning close to her face teasing her much more..

Mangle shakes her head looking away refusing his offering, never in her life..

she want a taste of wine..

"I can't, I'm young plus I might grow to be a addict it, which is why I must not have." Mangle told him he laughs in such a Way that turned Mangle on

"You're a Goodie huh? Surprised, many at your age go off with their friends to go drink and there's foolish girls who get pregnant at such a young age." Foxy said leaning away from her face

"Well, I am and I'm proud." Mangle declared not in shame that she's a goodie

"You're quite entertaining to talk to kitten, don't be a baby and reward yourself with some wine kitten." Foxy says as he quickly puts it on her hand to hold, she stares at it and then stares at him in disbelief

Maybe this isn't too bad...Mangle told herself as she finally began to taste her very first taste of Wine..

To her surprise..

She actually liked it, she puts it down slowly with wine still remaining in it with a wow expression

"Wow, it's not so bad." Mangle said part of her hating to admit that wine tastes good..

To this point she feels like she has done something bad...

"I knew you would like it young one." Foxy said with a wink, mangle blinks twice and looks at her feet thinking to herself

Of how flirtatious he really is..

"Quit calling me young one." Mangle said with a pout, he grins devilishly making Mangle's heart beat very fast he puts his wine down on a table near by now holding her hourglass waist with both of his hands

"I sure can, I'm four year's older than you my young kitten, how about you head home now." Foxy said seeing the time on his expensive watch, mangle notices and looks back at her phone

With a shocked expression...

It's 10:40 p.m..

"Shit." Mangle began putting her phone back inside her purse in panic, she's slides off his hands and begans to run away but, looks at him one last time..

Or maybe..

"I must go now!" Mangle said quickly with speed with Panic knowing her Mother will be getting home soon enough..


My oh My~FangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora