Chapter 8

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// a/n: It's not Valentine's Day anymore but I don't give a flying sausage 🤙🏼 //

It was Valentine's Day and Chey came to school dressed up in a cute outfit. Ezra wolf whistled and circled her. "Wow chey I didn't know you had a dress like this! Why didn't you let me try it on?"
She smirked and crossed her arms. "Because the last dresses I let you try on I never saw again"
Ezra blushed and giggled innocently.

Chris came over and leaned against her locker. "Hey hey chey chey"
He said lovingly.
"Ugh that was gay"
Andy said and shoved her way in between them and stole some gum from cheys locker.
"You won't believe what just happened, so Akito gave me chocolate for Valentine's Day but apparently I pissed him off and now he took back his gift and I was lowkey looking forward to the chocolate because I am pmsing. He is such an ass he doesn't deserve me" She hissed and shoved Chris out of her way. "Move it Christopher"
He jumped out of the way and looked at chey. "Yikes"

Chey snickered and shrugged. "She's cranky she'll get over it"
Chris nodded and then hissed as he saw Blake.
The loner was just grabbing a book from his locker.
He found a note and he read it. He rolled his eyes and crumbled the paper up and tossed it behind him.
He moved another book and found another note. It was your note. You had stashed it in his locker secretly thanks to Andrew.

Blake looked at it and shoved it into his pocket and slinked off into the crowd of people.
Andrew came by and locked his locker for him.
"Seems like he found your note chey" he said and wiggled his eyebrows slightly.
"See you all I have to head to class"
He left with Ezra.

Chris coughed and then turned to you. "So I was thinking, do you want to hit up a movie tonight?"
Chey stood there and smoothed her dress out. "Um..yeah sure.." she gave him half a smile and walked off into the direction of classroom.
Chris smiled and went to his classroom.

"Mr Sohma stop making out with Andy and get to your classrooms! This is the hallway not your personal bedroom. Move it" said a tired looking teacher.
"You want to skip?" Akito asked Andy, Andy nodded and sent chey a message. "I forgave him oh and We are bailing, see yah"

They took off down the hallways and out the front door.
Chey sighed and rolled her eyes slightly. "And this is why you aren't passing your classes idiot" she muttered under her breath and typed back a reply. "Have fun lol"
She put her phone away as class began.


Lunch was packed with people giving valentines or receiving valentines the whole place smelled like roses and cheap perfume.
Ezra slammed his plastic fork down. It bent, "I can not eat in these conditions! I'm taking my sandwich to the bathroom"
He abandoned ship and left.
Chris nodded and abandoned ship too not realizing that Blake was heading to your table.
Blake awkwardly placed his tray down and scooted a tad bit close to you.

"It's getting too pink in here" he muttered and poked at his little bowl of strawberries that had pink sprinkles in the shape of hearts on them. Along with pink strawberry sauce and light pink whipped cream.
He took time to break every single one.
Chey noticed and snickered a little.
Her eyes widened as she watched Blake take out edible charcoal power and dump it on his strawberries. The once pink strawberries were now coated in black liquid.
The pink sauce now a mucky black color.

Blake ate his strawberries not caring that it stained his mouth black.
"Blake you got a not there it'" chey smiled and shook her head. "Your entire mouth is covered in charcoal" she snickered lightly.
"That's how I like it" Blake muttered and continued eating his strawberries. He looked like a spooky demon.

Chey shook her head once again and started eating her lunch.
The bell for lunch to be over rang and everyone ran off to go find their lovers or to go back to class.
"Urgh romance" Blake muttered and cleaned himself up.
"I hate Valentine's Day" he muttered and got up tossing his lunch out and leaving.

Chey had stars in her eyes.
Ezra smirked "what are you so smiley about?"
She grabbed the front of his shirt and shook him. "Blake ate lunch with me! Like we made conversation! It was incredible!"
Chris growled and held you close. "Yeah but you would have preferred lunch with me instead wouldn't you Chey"
She smiled slightly and backed away from him. "Yeah totally"

"That reminds me Chris, we have a project to do tonight so sadly you can not attend a movie tonight! Sorry Chey!" Andrew said and gave you a slight grin.
Chey grinned back and got away from Chris.
"Oh thank god! He's getting so weird around me lately" she thought.

School eventually ended and
As chey opened her locker a pair of hands covered her eyes and a familiar happy voice was heard. "Guess who!"

Chey x Blake Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt