Chapter 12

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Emerson stood there waiting to be let in.
"It's me stupid"
He told Remington.
Remington snickered
"Damn this peephole sucks I couldn't figure out who was standing there for a moment"

Everyone slowly turned to an excited Andy.
"Em!!" She said getting off her Boyfriend to go give Emerson a hug.
Akito who was still on he ground sat up and his once relaxed look turned into anger.
He didn't like Emerson.
He was jealous of Emerson.

Remington made a face and he quickly went to go distract Akito.
"You left the door open rem"
Chey said before turning back to the door to shut it.
That's when she nearly had a heart attack.
Blake was standing there.
Soaking wet. The side of his face was red and so were his arm and fingers.

He shook slightly and he pointed at her.
"You..have andrews number? Can I use your phone?" He mumbled. His words kinda tumbled over each other.
Something was wrong.

"When did he get here" Remington said in slight shock.
Andy stared at Blake with slight concern.
Usually she didn't care for him but he seemed to be hurt.

Chey let Blake in and he went to the phone he called Andrew and within a few minutes he hung up the phone and looked at everyone.
He avoided eye contact and he awkwardly stood in the living room.
"Thanks" he muttered in the direction Chey stood in.
She was in shock that her crush knew where she lived and that he was standing in her house.

Remington had gone upstairs with Akito while Andy was watching Blake like a hawk.
She squinted at him in suspicion.
She walked over to Chey and dragged her away.
"Somethings wrong with him, go talk to him"
Chey nodded and took a step forward.
"Y'know what I can't do it,.I'm too nervous" she said.
"Gooo" Andy said shoving her.
She then left to go talk to her boyfriend who had gone upstairs with Remington.

Blake stood there hugging himself.
Something seemed to be hurting him.
He trembled for a second before looking around the place.
Chey took a step forward. She took a deep breath and walked up to Blake.
"Hey what happened? Are you okay?" Chey asked in a concerned tone.
"My-...nevermind nothing...nothing happen forget it..I'll be out of here soon I just need Andrew to come pick me up so I can stay at his house.."
he seemed to wince when he touched his arm.

"That doesn't look very good" Chey said taking a look at his arm and the side of his face.
"Hot hurts..accident" he muttered hugging himself a little tighter.
He didn't like showing his weaker side in front of people so he tried his best to stay stoic.
"It was my fault anyway..oh andrews here thanks for letting me use your phone"
Andrew entered and stared at Blake.
"Blake you know you have to go this looks bad!"

"I know but I can't afford it" Blake hissed at Andrew.
"I'll see what I can do Blake but my mom will most likely make me drive you to the hos-"
Blake slapped his hand across andrews mouth.
"Not another word..let's go"

Chey stared at Blake with concern.
He stared back at her before leaving with andrew.
"You know..if you ever Need a place to stay and Andrew isn't can stay here"
Chey said suddenly to Blake before he was out of sight.

"Thanks" he muttered before shutting the door quietly.
She nodded and released the breath she was holding.
Her chest felt tight.
She was scared for him.
What happened to him.
Something bad must have happened.

But Chey knew not to bug him about it.
Besides he barely even knew her she knew it was none of her business unless he was comfortable sharing.
And that would take a while because Blake.
He didn't know much love or care.
Not since his father died.

Blake sat in andrews car holding his arm to his chest.
It hurt and there was really nothing he could do about it.
Wash it and slap a bandaid on it.
He didn't have much money he couldn't afford a hospital bill.

"What happened?" Andrew asked.
"My mom and I got into a fight she was boiling water for some hard boiled eggs..she got mad at me. We had a fight and then as punishment she dipped her stupid ladle spoon into the pot and threw the boiling water in my direction"
He winced and made a face of pain.
"Damn hurts like hell"
He muttered.

Andrew frowned.
"I'll ask my mom if you can sleep over tonight"
Blake nodded and went silent.
The look on your face was still in his mind.
He knew Andrew would be concerned about him but he wasn't used to other people being concerned about him.

Especially chey. Even though he didn't want to talk, she still made an effort to ask him what was wrong and if he was okay.
He couldn't help but believe someone else cared for him.
And that offer you made.
Blake didn't like to be home much so seeing he had another opportunity to escape, he would take it.

"So my mom said you could stay for tonight but I have something to do tomorrow night so I don't think you can stay should take up the offer Chey said because she is a good and trustworthy person.
Trust me Blake she's very nice and I feel like you two would get along.
Despite being in completely two different groups at school she's nice to you. Not like everyone else"

Blake had to agree with that. Unlike the other preppy boys and girls at school. Chey was nice to him.
She actually made an effort to talk to him.
She didn't make fun of him.
And that was appreciated because it made him feel like a human even for a second or two.
And not some sort of freak.

He sighed as Andrew pulled into the driveway of his home.
They both got out and went inside.
And Andrew was right his mother was automatically worried about Blake and was doing her best to get him to go see a doctor.
"Burns aren't a joke you need to get treated" she said ushering him out to the car.
"I'll drive you two"
Blake shook his head no.
"I can't afford it"
Andrews mother frowned.
"Well you can start saving up"
She dragged both boys to the hospital.

Back at cheys place she was sitting on the couch thinking about Blake.
She was worried about him.
Remington was sitting beside her eating popcorn.
They chose to watch a movie together.
"I miss times like this, I wish I wasn't so busy all the time" he said scooting closer to her.
He sighed and wrapped his arm around her in a friendly way.

They were enjoying the movie scene until a loud noise was heard upstairs and then arguing.
"Well if you like him so much then why don't you go with him"
Akitos voice was heard.
"He has a girlfriend you stupid ass! Besides why would I want him? He's one of my best friends I would never date one of my best friends" Andy retorted.
"You call me your best friend all the time stupid" Akito hissed.
"Well no duh you are my best friend"

It went quiet.

"Yeah You're my best friend"
"You're my best friend too"
" know this is kinda weird.."
"Look I love you bro but.."
"I know I know"
"We can't live like this bro"
"I know but I love you"
"I love you too"
"What are we going to do?"
"I mean do you want to be just best friends bro?"
"Well do you?"
"I mean yeah but I also love you"
"Bro I can't"
"No bro it's better this way"
"I get it I know but.."

Remington stared at Chey and Chey stared at Remington.
"What the actual fuck is going on up there" Remington said before popping more popcorn into his mouth.
"I have absolutely no idea"
Chey muttered knowing her best friend and her boyfriend would both weird as fuck with each other.
"Has Blake texted you at all?" Rem asked.
"No not yet..I hope he's okay"
Chey said before sighing.
"Whatever happened I hope doesn't happen again" she muttered thinking about Blake.

Her phone buzzed.
A single text message.
"Do you mind if I stay at your place tonight?"

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