Chapter 13

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"He asked if he could stay over"
Chey muttered quietly.
"I thought he was going with Andrew?"
Rem said staring at her phone screen.
"I don't know maybe Andrew has something to do?"
Chey said before responding.
"Of course"
She wrote back.

A small thanks was sent back to her.
Remingtons eyes widened.
"Damn your crush is coming over better prep the house"
He said with a grin.
"He's already seen it so it's fine"
Chey said.
"I'll go move my stuff from the guest room I'll sleep In your room tonight" remington said running upstairs.

A few minutes later he came back down.
"Those two are in make out paradise up there"
He joked walking over.
Chey shrugged "they're weird they do this every week"
Remington made a face "what?"
He muttered before dive bombing onto the couch.

"Are they even together?"
He asked.
"I don't know maybe they're friends but with benefits" Chey muttered grabbing some more popcorn.
Her phone buzzed.
"I'll be there in an hour once They let me go..I'll talk about it later" he wrote.

"Aw he trusts me!" Chey said before grinning.
She typed back "door will be unlocked just let yourself in when you get here"
He wrote back an "okay"
Remington wiggled his eyebrows.
Chey rolled her eyes.

Andy came down soon with Akito.
They sat down on the couch and wrapped themselves up in each other's arms.
"What we miss?" Andy asked.
"Blake's coming over" Chey said.

"WHAT!" Andy sat up at a fast speed.
"Shit let's go!" She accidentally uppercut Akito when she threw her hands up in excitement. Her friends crush was coming over this was a big moment for the household.

He rubbed the spot and frowned.
She turned and wrapped her arms around him.
"I'm sorry baby"
She said.
Akito grumbled and held her in his arms.
"I forgive you"

Remington suddenly covered cheys eyes.
"yuck! Bluck! Kissing?! Get a room you two!" He said.
Akito picked Andy up and the two went back upstairs.
"If you don't see us again it's probably because we jumped out the window, ran away together to get married and start a new life" Andy called out before the door was shut.

Remington sighed and let go of cheys eyes.
"You're all good now"
Chey snickered and got up to go grab herself a drink.
Remington sighed and played with her phone.
"I hope it eventually works out for you two"
He said smiling at her.
Chey smiled at him.
"Thanks Rem"

An hour passed and the door opened.
Blake was standing there he had a few bandages on his arm and face.
"I let myself in"
He muttered.
Chey stood up "hey! That's fine! Glad to see you Blake make yourself comfortable"
She said giving him a friendly smile.
Blake sat down.
"Want anything? Food, drinks?" Chey asked being a good host.
"Nothing right now but thanks" he said quietly.

Remington was still downstairs but he was staying out of your way so you could talk to Blake.
Blake sighed and stared at you.
"You're staring at me..I bet you're wondering what happened aren't you.."

Chey nodded "I would really like to know..I've been worried since you came here"
She took a seat and looked at him.
"But I 'm not forcing you to talk, I'm here if you do want too."
Blake nodded slowly and his glance fell to the ground.
"Well I don't exactly have the best home dad died when I was young and how my mom is depressed and a lunatic. After he died she turned to drugs for comfort and now she's a completely different person then she used to be.
She takes her anger out on me for some reason.
I have a brother but she loves him.
He gets treated like gold and I get treated like shit"

Blake crossed his arms and hugged himself.
"I run away from home very often and I tend to camp out at my friends places. I don't have many friends so there were times when I did live out on the streets for a bit until they brought me in"
He scratched his arm and sighed.
"I've been trying to find a job so I can get money and save up to eventually move's been so hard.."

Chey nodded "Andy's been struggling with that too, many places will say hiring but they just never seem to want to hire her specifically it's so weird..retail is odd" she muttered.
"Anyway yeah that's a good idea find a job even a warehouse job..those pay good money and if you need a place to stay, you can stay here. This is actually my apartment but I was living at home for a bit because I missed my family..Andy kinda just stays over whenever she wants..but I don't blame her being home is..hard for different reasons.. Freedom is great"

Blake nodded "I would do anything to be free from my house"
He sighed and looked around "it's nice"
Chey nodded.
"Oh quick question, Did you bring any stuff with you if not it's okay I'm sure we have clothes you can borrow..and toothbrush, shampoo other needed items.."
Blake stared at her.
"My sister shops in the men section all the time and gets oversized clothing so you'll probably be fine"
Blake nodded and went quiet.
"Oh yeah I forgot The burns I received earlier today weren't bad but I have to apply some cream on them.."

He held up his arm.
"My mom threw boiling hot water at me for punishment..."
He put his arm down.
"She's done worse though I feel like that was just a slap on the wrist"
Chey stared at Blake.
"That's horrible what could she have done that was worse?"

Blake lifted his shirt and showed her several stab wounds.
Chey had to stop herself from drooling over him.
She focused on the scars he had.
"Knife wound, cigarette burn scar, ooh that one she stabbed me with barbed wire"

Chey stared at Blake in slight shock.
Blake put his shirt down.
"I couldn't do anything about..oh and she ran me over once"
Chey stared at blake.
"She WHAT"
Blake nodded. "Yep I told her I was walking behind the car and she thought it would be funny to run me over"
Remington turned away and covered his mouth.
He couldn't help but picture Blake being run over.
"I think I'm going to go get some food does anybody want anything?"
Remington said wanting to leave so he wouldn't offend anyone if he found something funny.

He received quick sonic orders and left.
Andy and Akito came downstairs to say hello to Blake.
Andy crossed her arms as Blake payed more attention to Akito.
"I said hi and I didn't even get a hi back I don't approve of you dating him" she said talking to her sister who was currently getting a drink.
Chey rolled her eyes and sipped her Pepsi.

Akito eventually returned to Andy's side.
"We should all watch a movie tonight"
He muttered placing his hands on Andy's shoulders.
"Ay if you're going to rest your hands there you might as well give me a massage" Andy said.
Akito mocked her and started rubbing her shoulders.
Andy stuck her tongue out at Chey.

"Maybe someday Blake will be doing this to you,
Make the first move tell him your interested come on!"
Chey shrugged "I think I'm just going to let him rest tonight"
Andy shrugged "okay but if he stays here you eventually gotta"
Chey shrugged.
Remington returned with the food and with friends.
Ezra came in with Andrew and Chris.
Emerson and Ricky eventually joined in.
"I got the text Akito Let's definitely watch that movie"
Ezra said hopping onto the couch.

"And what movie is that going to be?"
Chey asked.
Akito and Ezra looked at each other and gave each other wicked grins.

"T u s k" 

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