Chapter 1

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Cheyenne was your typical teen a happy go lucky girl, she was organized, her grades were high, her outfits were stylish and her hair was kept cut neatly a little past her shoulders. She had a lot of friends, she was popular but not too popular and she liked it that way. "So what did you get on your test Chey" her friend Ezra asked her.
"I got an A, it was easy" she replied with a grin. Ezra's face lightened. "Pfft I Got a way better grade I got a C" He held up his test all proud like. Cheyenne rolled her eyes and grinned, her friend was a dork. Chris came strolling up and snatched Cheyenne's phone out of her back pocket. "Oooh Who's this on your lock screen" he wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up Chris give it back" Cheyenne said with her hand out. "You gotta reach for it" knowing how short she was Chris held the phone above her head. Luckily her sister Andy was passing by and kicked his knee out. The phone flew out of his hand and Cheyenne caught it. "Oh fucking score, I got him to fall this time"Andy yelled. Cheyenne rolled her eyes and shoved her sister into the locker. "Ouch! hey I didn't think I'd kick him that hard" ezra smirked. "Ten out of ten maybe even higher" Chris was on the ground pouting. His pal Ricky passed and helped him up. "Who made you fall?"

He asked in a short tone. He pointed at Andy and Ricky's face fell. "Well shit you're on your own" and within a flash he was gone. "What were you gonna do?" Andy ran off after Ricky. You heard Ricky scream from afar. Cheyenne laughed and started walking with her two friends to class. It was science lab and today they were dissecting a frog or a fish. >>timeskip to middle of class<< Ezra was making the frog dance towards Cheyenne. "Ooooh he's halfway there!! Ohhh" he sang and Cheyenne flinched away. "Stop! Your flicking frog juice at me" You heard Chris laugh and mutter frog juice under his breath.
"He's coming for yah the tap dancing fro-" he heard the teacher come up behind him. "Ezra what are you doing?" he sweatdropped and turned around "Nothing"
She got in his face "didn't I tell you to stop playing with the frog?" He nodded. She tsked and walked away. He grinned "that old hag is so fucking annoying, I'm so over this class! Right Mr froggy!" He made the frog swim over to you. "EZRA!" He jumped "okay okay fine! Geez I'll stop" He put the frog down and Chris continued to work on what he was doing before Ezra started playing with it. You were halfway done when you heard the teacher tapping her nails. You all turned quietly to see what she was mad about. "Blake..this is the third time you have been late, beyond late! What do you have to say for that" Blake just glared at her and walked to his lab table. His lab partner was an excited guy named Andrew. "Blake what the hell! I had to do this all by myself!" He whined.
Blake just stared at him "that sucks" he mumbled. Cheyenne heart skipped a beat. Chris and Ezra snickered. They both knew of your crush on Blake "oh Blake marry me now! Blake I love you" Ezra pretended to make out with the frog "EZRA! *sigh* enough I've had it! Go into the hall NOW" Ezra snickered. "See y'all suckers later" he grabbed his backpack and dipped. Chris grinned and rolled his eyes "geez I love him but he is so annoying" Cheyenne shrugged "he's okay" they finished working and started packing up. Ezra came back eating a slice of pizza "EZRA!..where in the world did you get that pizza slice?" The teacher asked annoyed "you know the rules of my classroom" Ezra took another bite"Yeah I do, and I got it from the cafeteria to answer your question" she tapped her nails and stared at him "What? A guy can't get a slice of pizza because he's hungry? I missed breakfast!" She rolled her eyes and wrote down something "oh yeah write me up for eating a pizza slice I'm soooo scared" he shuffled over to you "want some?" You shook your head no and shoved it away. "Ah that's fine" he held it up to offer to Chris. "Want some" Chris happily ate some
You turned and looked at Blake, he was busy fiddling with his hoodie zipper. "You want to be that zipper don't you?" Ezra said while wiggling his eyebrows "Ezra I will smack you into next week, shut up" you said blushing. Ezra laughed "it's true though" you shrug. The bell rings and Blake is the first one out the door. He fuckin dipped. You noticed he left his necklace behind. You quickly grab it and run with your two friends "look it's his necklace" you said while eyeing it like candy. Ezra yelped like a stepped on puppy "I sense bad vibes from that thing" he said. Chris nodded "What if he cursed it" you rolled your eyes and put the necklace into your pocket. "It's not! I'll give it back to him when I see him again." Ezra and Chris shuddered. "I'll plan your funeral, here lies dear Cheyenne" Ezra said. "She loved Ezra the most and Chris the least" Chris smacked Ezra on the head "that's so not true" Ezra smirked "believe what you want buddy" you saw Blake talking with Andrew rolling his eyes at something. He turned and opened his locker, of course he had a poster of his favorite musical artist. You smiled lightly when you saw Blake give the poster a half grin. He looked in the mirror he had in his locker and touched where his necklace should be. "Fuck" He mumbled noticing the necklace was missing. You took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Act cool" you mumbled to yourself "hey Blake you left this in the science room" you handed it to him and walked away quickly. You grabbed your two friends and walked off. Ezra looked shocked "you survived!!" You nodded and continued walking. Both Chris and Ezra looked shocked. Andy passed and kicked Chris's poor knee out again. "Bonus points" she walked away and Chris looked at you with a sad expression. Cheyenne just laughed and looked away. Ezra grinned "Time for lunch! time for lunch yay!!!!" He ran off to grab a table near Blake per your request "time to go to lunch"
Ezra had bought an entire box of dominos pizza. Some people were begging him for a slice. "Nope! Hey Chey you want a slice?" You grinned and shook your head no staring at Blake.
Ezra shrugged smacking someone's hand away. "They only like me for my pizza" you just laughed quietly and started eating your lunch. Typical dry ass crackers and some soda. Occasionally a small bag of puffy Cheetos. You were eating when you heard laughing. Jock laughing. You turned and saw Blake with chocolate milk all over his head and shirt. The leader of the jocks was laughing and had a crushed chocolate milk can in his hand. Blake glared and grabbed his stuff and left. Andrew decked the jock before grabbing his stuff, going after Blake. "Oh poor Blake" you mumbled. You poked at your crackers. "I hope he is okay"

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