Chapter 5

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Blake just passed her and continued walking. Cheys Heart fluttered and she smiled softly.
Despite his bad mood. He was still attractive.
Blake was grumbling to himself.
This feeling he had in his chest, was strange and very unusual. He did not know what it was.
Andrew appeared next to him and smiled. "Hey Blake how are you?...are you alright?"
Blake just glared at Andrew and kept walking.
"Bro you know you can talk to me!"
Blake rolled his eyes. "Whatever"
Andrew grinned and followed behind him.
"Do you want to go to the dance?"
He asked Blake.
Blake's eyes went wide and he made a disgusted face.
Andrew rolled his eyes. "Not like that stupid!"
Blake shrugged "no..I don't like's a waste of time"
Andrew frowned "please Blake! Everyone's going"
Blake shook his head and continued walking.
"I'll do whatever you want!" Andrew begged.
An evil smirk appeared on Blake's face.
He said quietly. Andrew nodded.
Blake's smirk grew wider.
"Fine I'll go but remember that you owed and you'll do anything i say"
Andrew nodded and smiled. "I'm gonna go pick out my tux!" He ran off and Blake sighed heavily and went after his hyper friend.
He saw Chey again, she was walking alone, texting someone.
She found an empty seat and sat down.
She sipped on a smoothie she had bought. Blake casually strolled nearby and sat near her.
He bought himself some food and listened in on her conversation with Chris who had appeared out of no where.
"So I picked out my tie! There were colors similar to maroon so I almost got the wrong one" Chris laughed and Chey snickered. "Good job Chris"
Chris stole some of her drink and sat down with her. He shoved his pretzel cup at her and she happily took some.
Blake was secretly watching, while Andrew was picking out their tuxes.
He would come over to talk to Blake every now and then about the colors.
"We are not matching" Blake said.
Andrew hung his head and Blake sighed. "Fine..but nothing bright.
Andrew happily ran off.
He rolled his eyes and looked back over at you.
Blake made eye contact with you and immediately looked away, Chey did the same. You both panicked inside.
"Oh my god was he looking at me"
Blake was pretending to be busy with his phone.
"Fuck did she notice?" He muttered. He pretended to be very interested in a nearby shop, which was a candy shop.
He decided to go get some candy
He quickly got up and casually walked over and bought some candy quickly.
He was too cool to be seen by anyone in the candy store.
He went back to his chair and sat down and stared at you while chewing on some m&ms. He sighed and swirled the box around. "Does Chey like m&ms" he wondered.
His eyes went wide and he quickly shook the thought out of his head.
"What the fuck am I thinking and why do I care so much about what she does?"
He clutched his chest because that odd feeling came back. That feeling that Andrew described as a crush earlier this week when Blake had a question.
He growled quietly and ran a hand trough his fluffy hair.
He angrily ate his m&ms. And watched as Chris and Chey were giggling at something on the phone.

He heard a groan and Chris just slammed his head on the table as Ezra was strolling over.
"Hey guys I had no idea you were here!!"
Chey kinda crinkled her nose and shook her head and smiled.
"Hey Ezra how are you!"
Chris and Chey were smiling at Ezra as he was chatting his mouth off about something stupid.
Blake rolled his eyes and tuned out Ezra and stared at you.
Chey turned her head and Blake casted his eyes off to the right and made awkward eye contact with some old grandma.
She looked at him in distastefulness.
He hissed at her and glared.
She made the sign of the cross and left.
He rolled his eyes again.
"Fuckin hag" he muttered and continued staring into space.
Andrew came back with the tuxes.
"Alright Blake! Let's go back to my place and try them on!"
Blake nodded and got up.
Just as you, Chris and Ezra were leaving.
"HEY GUYS" Ezra said and waved.
Andrew waved and grabbed Blake. "Let's go that dudes kinda annoying"
Blake nodded and went after Andrew.
They arrived at Andrews house and they tried on their tuxes.
"We look great! You know cheys going maybe you could ask her to dance"
Blake shrugged "I don't dance"
Andrew grabbed him. "You should!"
Blake rolled his eyes and took off his tie. "No"
Andrew just grinned.
"Well then I'll just make you! Or we'll dance together in front of her" he mocked slightly and snickered.
Blake turned away and sighed. "Why him"

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