Chapter 7

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Blake awkwardly led chey to the dance floor. Chey was so excited. Ma Cherie was still playing. They both awkwardly started dancing together. There were couples and then there was Chey and Blake.
Being two awkward misfits in the crowd.
"So uh..thanks for..uh..bringing back my necklace.." Blake muttered. "No problem" Chey said while her cheeks turned pink.
Blake awkwardly looked around.
Ezra was holding Chris back. "No no Chris we must let them have their time together this is a one in a lifetime chance!" Ezra giggled. Chris growled angrily.
He stormed over to the dj and got them to play one of miws songs. 570.
He smirked as he watched Chey and Blake awkwardly walk back to their friend group.
Andrew grabbed Blake and pulled him back to the dance floor.
"How was it?" Ezra asked. "Amazing.." Chey said and hid her face.
"Awww she blushing" Ezra said and hit Chris. Chris just gave a fake grin and glared in Blake's direction.
Akito and Andy came back. "We almost got caught" Akito snickered.
"So I played it off as Akito was a girl and that we were lesbian lovers and the teacher believed me, thanks to his feminine hips" she said and then snorted. Akito rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah it was sooo funny shut up Andy"
Chey just watched as Andy died on the floor and Akito stood their shaking his head.
She smirked and looked at Ezra who was downing his fifth slice of pizza.
Chris bit his lip. "D-do you want to dance Chey?" She nodded and followed Chris to the dance floor.
Random pop music started. Chris and Chey were dancing. Ezra went over and joined. He was the life of the party. Andrew came over and started dancing with Ezra. Blake followed but he just stood there.
"Come on Blake! Dance!!" Andrew said happily. He shook his head no. "Is it because cheys here? Is it because of your crush on her"
He said that a little too loudly.
Chey turned and so did Chris. Chris growled.
Blake's face went warm. "I have to go.." he muttered and left.
Cheys heart had quickened.
Chris went after Blake lying that he was going to comfort him. He confronted Blake in the front of the school.
"So now you know Chey has a crush on you..I just want to let you know.." he got close to him. "I don't care if you like her back..she is mine and only mine" he smirked and shoved him. "I don't care if I have to hurt you but just know if you ever gain feelings watch your back.."
Chris smirked and walked back into the school lying that he didn't see Blake.
Blake's eyes were wide and then he narrowed his eyes angrily. He was ready for anything Chris was going to do to him he knew Chris was going to rush into trying to get into a relationship with you.
"Slow and steady wins the race" he muttered and slinked off into the darkness.

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