Chapter 14

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"T..Tu...nope! Nope! I'm out y'all are on your own! Have fun! good luck"
"Go go go!"
Chey and Andy both abandoned ship.
Akito and Ezra left the room.
They came back holding a victim hostage.
"Hey wait a minute I got the wrong person"
Ezra said.
Andy looked up and started squirming hard.
"Let me go you idiot!"
She turned and punched Ezra right in the shoulder.
"No touchy" she said before hauling ass back upstairs.
Ezra who was recovering from the punch ran over to Akito "give me! Give me!"

Akito ignored Ezra and kept walking towards the couch.
"Here you go"
He tossed chey right in Blake's direction.
Blake with his good arm caught Chey and let her roll onto the couch next to him.
Chey froze in place and thought about how Blake just touched her.
She was suddenly all smiley.
Akito left and disappeared up the stairs.
"Unlock the door Andy"
"Unlock the door, now."
"Okay no more hugs"
"No more kisses"
"No cuddles.."

Y'all listened to the door creak open.
"You know I don't like that movie you jackass what the hell there ain't no way I'm going down there threaten me with whatever you want it's a N o"
She whispered at him.
Akito snorted.
"It won't be that bad, Just get downstairs"
"No! That's final"
The door closed.
Akito came back downstairs.
"She's being difficult just start the movie we'll at least enjoy it"

Blake leaned over and found the remote he pressed the continue button.
Chey watched the beginning and some of the middle but once it started to drift down into disgusting territory that's when she turned away.
"And I'm done no thanks"
She muttered.
Blake was watching the movie with no problem.
Akito was watching the movie with no problem and so was Chris.
Although every now and then he would make a face.
Ezra wasn't looking anymore and Andrew had passed out.

Chey ignored the screen and looked
over at Blake.
He seemed to be smiling at the sight of the poor man walrus thing being tortured.
She shuddered and ignored the screen more.
The movie continued but Chey decided to go clean stuff in the other room. Just the sight of the screen made her sick.
Eventually the movie ended and all you heard was.
"That's fucked up" from Chris.
Ricky and Emerson had left together they didn't stay for long.

"I thought it was good"
Blake said. Akito agreed.
"Yeah I like that one part..."
Chey tuned them out and continued cleaning what she was cleaning.
"Disgusting" she muttered.
Her sister had come out of her room and joined her in the other room to watch her clean.
"Is Akito still mad at me?"
She asked.
Chey shrugged.
Andy shrugged too.
"Even if he is mad at me I can make him immediately regret treating me the way he does sometimes"
She said with a sly grin.
"Anyway time to go see if he still likes me"

Her sister walked away.
Chey shrugged and looked up when she noticed Blake joined her in the other room.
"Didn't like the movie?" He asked.
Chey nodded.
"It was too much for me I much prefer something less...Gross?"
She said before placing the item she was using to clean away.

Blake shrugged.
You both were ripped from your personal conversation when you two heard arguing in the other room.
"You're so mean to me it's like you don't even love me"
Andy said putting on a crying act.
Which she was good at.
"No Akito get away from me"she said before pushing away her boyfriend.
He ran after her as she went upstairs.
The door slammed and then the door opened again and then closed.

"Ignore that they do this every week" Chey said smiling at Blake.
"Hey Can you help me with the bandages?" He asked trying to remove said bandage.
He had to put on some of the ointment so it wouldn't get infected.
Chey helped him take the bandage off.
He winced as he placed some cream on the burn.
It wasn't pretty.

Andy came prancing down the stairs.
"Hey guess what! Akito said he would take me to Disney and he offered for you guys to come with! We can share a hotel room together! OR we can get separate ones! Like me and Akito would obviously be together and you Chey and Blake can get one together and-"

"YES" Chey said before realizing he was still standing there.
"Haha I mean yes of course I would love to room with Blake! It'll be fun! Won't you come with Blake!"

He nodded slowly and finished bandaging his arm again.
Chey grinned and looked back at Andy.
"When do we leave?" She asked.
Andy smiled.


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