| 09 | HOME (END)

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— 8:25 AM —

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Suran came over pretty early to help pack Gumball's things, but instead of helping, I'm sat on the piano bench biting my fingernails and reading over the text on Suran's phone for what feels like the 100th time...

'I'll wait at train station to see my son 9:00'... Her Korean isn't even correct...

"...I don't know if this is a good idea."


"Give me one good reason why we should trust them? She was irresponsible enough to go an entire week without her son... What if she was abusive and Gumball was trying to get away from her? Or she neglected him altogether and that's why he gets anxiety in crowds? Because he's afraid of being abandoned or lost?"

"Yoongi, everything's going to be fine." Suran holds my shoulder. "Do you think I'd agree to meet up with somebody if I didn't have faith in them? From what she described, she could be legit. Let's have a little hope... Kids go missing more than you may think. It's only the lucky ones who get to find their families and return home. I'm sure whatever caused him to get lost was an accident."

Not fully convinced, I stare glumly at my own feet.

"I know you really care about him..." She smiles faintly, "But you've also got to remember... You're an idol. How much time can you realistically devote to this child if you're going to constantly be filming and touring? Gumball deserves somebody who can keep an eye on him, so you being in the spotlight with all those cameras and fans... That might not be a world he's ready for."

The memory of Gumball's reaction to the mob at LegoLand runs thick in my mind. The way he grew teary and ran away with paced breaths, cornered behind that photo booth where he comforted himself...

It wouldn't be fair for him to deal with that daily.

"You're right. But at the same time it's like, I don't want him in anyone else's hands, you know? Yeah it's selfish because he's not mine, but he feels like it..."

"That's that fatherly instinct kicking in." Suran smiles, patting my shoulder before going to retrieve Gumball's blue mini suitcase.

"Alright, I've packed his bag. You should probably wake him up so we head to the station..."

I look back at the open door of my bedroom where Gumball lies sleep and sound. I've been dreading this part... But I guess it's time to tell him.

So with a reluctant sigh, I enter the room and lightly shake his shoulder.


His eyelids part ever so softly, fingers curling and mouth stretched to air a silent yawn. I can't help but chuckle.

"We have to get you dressed and to the train station. Your mother's waiting for you there."

He just stares at me wordlessly, making me sit on the bed still facing him.

"It's sudden as hell, I know. But as safe as it feels knowing you're with me, I don't wanna be the thing standing between you and your real mom. We've packed your coloring book, stories, clothes, and toys. You're all set to return to your family."

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | MYG 🐣Where stories live. Discover now