thirty three

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His hand was placed on the door handle, ready to open the door. He really didn't want to do this but he had to sadly. Renjun twisted it around ever so slowly before the door was finally open, Jaemin standing there with a smile on his face.

Renjun certainly wasn't smiling.

He didn't even go on the date with Jaemin that night, that's what Jaemin had been thinking about talking to him about. He hadn't even opened his messages but he kind suspected that it was something personal but now it was getting out of control.

He walked inside with his bags, he put them on the floor and approached Renjun for a hug but he dodged it and said nothing before running up the stairs.

What was it he had done or said? He needed to know. So, he ran up behind the boy and saw him walk into his room and slam the door shut.

Jaemin walked to the door and knocked it, waiting for a sign to come in but it never came. He decided to just walk in, he couldn't do this anymore, he needed his Renjun back and back to normal he was acting really strange.

The boy was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. Jaemin looked at him sadly, he didn't want him to be sad.

"Renjun. What did I say or do to you? Please tell me."

Renjun looked at Jaemin with puffy red eyes from the sudden burst of tears that had came out of his eyes. He looked at him angrily.

"You know what you did!" Sobbed the dark haired as he stood up and pointed a finger at the other, who had stepped back in shock because of his tone of voice that he had never heard him use before.

"How could you lie to me?! You went and had sex with Kim Seungmin when you-you told me y-you had c-changed!"

Jaemin looked down, ashamed, he had found out. He already knew Seungmin had told Renjun, he knew straight away when the crying boy had said that because who else would've known that it happened?

"I'm sorry, I needed money to buy something." He said, not wanting to cry in front of Renjun even though he felt like he would and should. He couldn't believe Seungmin told, now he seemed like a bad guy.

"T-to buy what?! Condoms?!" Cried Renjun, flopping himself on his bed, the flow of tears not stopping. Jaemin sighed, leaving the room and going back to his bags and taking out something before heading back up to Renjun again.

The boy was still curled up on his moomin bedsheets, his face hidden by his knees. In reality Jaemin had actually needed the money to buy Renjun something. Something he thought he'd love.

"Renjun I couldn't get a job anywhere and I didn't want to ask anyone for money. I'm really sorry. I needed the money to buy.. You something, but its okay if you don't want to talk to me anymore."

Renjun looked up and he seen the other with his hands behind his back. This made him rethink everything, he did it for him but he still lied and said he wouldn't fuck anyone random anymore.

Renjun didn't rethink just because he bought him something, it was the thought that he got the money just to buy him something. Not even for his family or his bestest friends.

"What?" He wiped his tears with his sweater paw quickly. Jaemin walked towards the bed and took two black velvet boxes out from behind his back.

He opened them carefully, making sure not to drop them. When they were open Renjun just stared at Jaemin, not really taking the thing Jaemin had bought in detail.

"Take a closer look." He said, bringing the boxes closer to the boy. Renjun sat up and seen what they said, when he reread them a second time tears welled up in his eyes once again.

Renjun was still sad that Jaemin did that but this, this present was absolutely amazing and he thought Jaemin was so thoughtful to be able to hand one of the boxes to him.

It was two matching rings. One said 'Jaemin' and the other said 'Renjun', but that wasn't it. The metal had the date they had met engraved in it and the words For on Renjun's and the word ever on Jaemins, putting them together to make Forever.

Tears fell out of his eyes without him realising. He wondered how much Seungmin paid for him to be able to afford these. Wait Seungmin? Nobody wanted to think about him right now.

"R-really? Are you s-sure you don't l-love Seungmin?"

Jaemin nodded, slipping his own ring onto his finger and Renjun followed as Jaemin placed the box in his hands. "Never. I only love you, I'm sorry for doing that I really am, I will never do it again. Do you forgive me before I ask you something?" The pink haired said, looking at the boy on the bed who nodded at him, wiping his tears once again.

"So I needed to tell you something..." He took a deep breath and crouched down, taking both of Renjun's hands.

"I really like you Renjun...



will you be my boyfriend?"

Renjun gasped, his jaw dropping nearly down to his feet (not literally). He couldn't believe he could've been angry at Jaemin or not have gone on that date with him, but what he really couldn't believe was what he was hearing.

He stood up and so did Jaemin, he jumped onto Jaemin and hugged him so tight, not ever wanting to let go. He didn't want to think about what happened again and pretend it never happened because in the end he did love Jaemin and he knew Jaemin loved him back and that was all that mattered. Seungmin could never get the way now, they were dating now, what he had showed Renjun was is in the past and irrelevant now. But it did keep coming back to his mind and then leaving again.

"Yes! I will!" Renjun nearly screamed, smiling so wide. Jaemin started to cry, he aas so happy that the boy had forgiven him and said yes to finally being his. He didn't want to think about what happened either, he wouldn't think about it ever again.

It was now a promise that he would never lie or hurt Renjun ever again.

But you never know, Seungmin could come back.


a/n: finally they're together!

Ik this story has became a total MESS

Also something is going to happen soon enough that is going to flip this whole thing around hEHEHE

I hope you enjoy this chapter tho

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