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"Jaemin, what is this? Don't tell me you're going to win the bet!" Donghyuck half screamed at Jaemin as he approached the lunch table, showing his phone. The pink haired raised an eyebrow and came closer, sitting down beside the brown haired male.

On his phone it there were a bunch of videos and pictures everywhere of him and Renjun on Instagram. "You're using your charms on him now! Making him come closer to you, you're going to make him talk for sure!" Jaemin nodded knowingly, sure, he already knew he'd win.

"But seriously, do you mind about all these new fan girls that you guys have?" Mark butted in, scrolling down on Twitter at the fan-girls all talking about how Renjun is such a power bottom. Mark didn't agree at all, Renjun legit looked submissive also he was so shy, and if that wasn't saying something he didn't know what was. "No, I don't care, they can talk all they want." The pink haired said carelessly, taking a sip of his apple juice.

"The fans are talking about how Renjun is a power bottom?! Nah man, that ain't it." Ten said as he looked over to Mark's phone to see what he was looking at on Twitter. Mark tried to shush him up but it wouldn't work. Ten had a big mouth for talking, also perfect for sucking Johnny's di-

"That's totally not it, Jaemin is too dominant. If there were any power bottoms they would get slashed by Jaemin. Well that's what I heard from the boys he's fuc-", "That's quite enough samoyed dog." Jaemin cut off Jeno, not wanting to remember all the people he's fucked.

He didn't want to fuck any thirsty hoes anymore, he had a new victim. A cute one. A shy one.

"Let them ship what they wanna ship." Johnny spoke up, speaking wisely, that was right, just let them ship what they wanna ship. Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other for the same reason, they had something to say to that statement but they didn't know which of them should do it. In the end they decided to do it together.

Jaemin mouthed 'in one... two... three!'. "So we gonna ship Markhyuck!" They both screamed at the same time, looking at Donghyuck's pissed off face; they couldn't help but laugh.

Ten gasped and clapped his hands. He did in fact ship the two and he didn't even know anyone else did. "Get your man hyuck!" He squealed like the Renmin fan girls on social media, giving their lunch table unwanted attention.

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" Mark said, annoyed. But they all knew he wasn't annoyed, they weren't oblivious to the fact that he did like Donghyuck. "Then I ship Johnten! Hope you get your dick sucked tonight Johnny!"

They all laughed like hyenas, some of them even nearly fell off their seats while Johnny nodded at Mark, his bro definitely had his back to get it down with Ten.

Jaemin then remembered what he was supposed to say from the start. "Have you guys even got Renjun to make a squeak? I haven't yet." He said, sighing. Everyone shook their heads no.

He's so so shy.. But I'll make him talk soon enough.


𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝. 𝖱𝖤𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now