twenty nine

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so this is back to present tense/ what was happening in chapter twenty seven :)


Renjun didn't know what to do, he was panicking. Why would someone laugh randomly in a bathroom, especially in school? Where they a psycho coming to kill him?!

No, don't be stupid, he thought, shaking his head at his stupidity.

He didn't even know why he said hello, he shouldn't have (he realised this after he said it). The person outside was trying to open the door, obviously failing as they were probably most likely using their hands.

"Open the door, Renjun." His name was said, how did they know his name? This freaked him out on a whole other level, but being him he obeyed and opened the door of the stall to see the boy he hated the most, the bully that he hadn't told anyone about.

Kim Seungmin.

"I came to tell you this – I'm going to be as straight forward as i can. Your little heart will break when you hear this.." Seungmin said with a smirk, pulling Renjun out of the stall by his shirt and pushing him nearly to the floor.

"We all have seen that you and Jaemin have something going on, but what if I told you Jaemin fucked me last night? He doesn't love you, okay?"

At this Renjun shattered. He didn't even know if he was lying or not, either way he couldn't believe what he was hearing at that moment.

Seungmin could tell by the others face that he didn't know if he should believe him, he looked confused so he took out his phone and opened his gallery, pressing onto a video that he knew Renjun would never want to see.

"Dont believe me? Check this out."

The boy pressed the play button on the video and showed Renjun. It was horrifying and the small boy felt tears welling in his eyes. Seungmin had tooken a video for proof, it was disgusting but Renjun was so shocked and surprised it was as if he had frozen on the spot, just staring at the video not taking it all in.

Was it to ruin their relationship? Yes. Seungmin would never admit that, he couldn't even be nice enough to tell the boy – whos tears were rolling down the cheeks at the moment making him smile evily – that Jaemin did it for money.

Renjun thought he changed, he should've known it was a lie. Why couldn't he have fallen and trusted someone different? It was always like this, picking the wrong people to trust.

Renjun was devasted to know about this, he thought he'd never do this but he punched Seungmin  as hard as he could before he ran out of the bathroom sobbing.

He wanted to go home, he really wanted to ring home and tell his parents he felt sick. He didn't want to see Jaemin in any classes but he had to do it for his education, of course.

He figured he'd ask Chenle or Jisung if he could go to their house after school, to tell them what happened and if he was honest – which he always tried to be – he didn't want to go home because he knew if his parents asked him about his day he would break again and a river of tears would flow out of his eyes.

He felt weak, broken hearted and he mostly felt like an idiot for believing someone like Jaemin; a fuckboy, out of all the boys he could've trusted and loved.


a/n: so, that happened-

also i wrote half of this in mac donald's, just saying lmao :)

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

and thank you for 13k I love you all so muchhhh <3333

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