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Don't copy my stories please, there are many unoriginal people out there who copy other people's stories. If you want to copy a story into another language, that's fine as long as you have my permission.

I'm rewriting this book because the last version sucked like actual hell.

Please, continue :T


"Did you find a way in yet?" The head hunter asked, polishing a sword.

"N-not yet sir," the questioned man replied.

"You said you would have found it two days ago!" The hunter flung the cloth he was using the clean the sword on the ground, furious. "You had plenty of excuses!"

"Please! Just give me one more chance!" The man pleaded, performing a full bow.

The hunter, disgusted, grabbed the man's cloak and pulled him to his feet. "One more chance. You have one more month. I expect that you'll find the way into the Demon Realm by then."

"I-I won't fail you!" Wiping the dirt on his face, the man ran out of the room.

The hunter scoffed, and picked the sword from the desk he was cleaning it on, and held it in the arms.

"It won't be long, Demons," he snarled. He plunged the sword into the wall. 

"It's hunting season."


Yoongi awoke, and he stubbornly clung on to the last moments of sleep before blinking his eyes open, meeting the dark walls of his room.

"Weird dream," Yoongi muttered, rubbing his right eye with his hand. "Almost like I was in it." His dark brown eyes glowed a soft red as he sat up, kicking his comforters off.

"They're coming for us all."


Short, I know. I think it's an okay prologue so I'm going to stop here because I'm a lazy ass person who needs to finish two books in less than a week.

Wish me luck please-

Also, how does someone make a good book cover? Cause all of mine suck

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