"Everything was alright till the night he came drunk. I should've submitted to him. Oh God why didn't I think about this earlier. He is my husband and I can't stop him from using his right over me"

Then a thought struck her and she felt satisfied


She gave herself a final look in the mirror. She was wearing a white anarkali frock adorned with a maroon dupatta and for the first time she properly did her makeup. Keeping her hairs to the left shoulder she left them open just as Maier liked

"Maier tonight I'll give you all. My heart, my body. I'll tell you what you are for me" 

She blushed profoundly at her own stupid thoughts. She walked out the closet and now she was anxiously waiting for him. It's been two hours and her eyes were now drooping, can't having control she doesn't know when she drifted to sleep.


It was 10:00 pm already. To continue the pretence of avoiding Anabia he was going late at home. Also he was so busy with his work. He was not liking it though but he had to do it else he knew he would end up hurting her. Last few days were hectic for him. Rehan and he were working on getting proof and infiltrating the sources and men of Zawar who were involved in drug dealings. But before that he got busy in handling the mess created by his employee handing quotations to Z Textiles but the irony was he can't take action against that employee as it could make Zawar suspicious and for now he needs to be around him gauging his every move. He was about to leave the office when his mobile beeped. This was again Rehan and he has got a lead


Her eyes opened at the usual time she used to wake up for Tahajjud. She looked at the other side of the bed but it was empty just like it used to be from last week. Her eyes welled up instantly, her wait went in vain. Getting up she came in front of the dresser mirror. Her kohl now spread and her hairs all messed up. Furiously she got rid of the bangles followed by the earrings and necklace.

"Why ALLAH G why I have to bear? I tried to be tolerant and patient but now my patience is slipping … I am afraid I'll commit something stupid .. I …." she slumped to the floor letting her tears down her cheeks

"N-no I can't be weak. I need to be strong. I am strong" she was more like making herself believe all this. Getting up with heavy feet she walked to the bathroom to perform ablution. She wanted some peace and she could get it only through praying from ALLAH


Maier could not believe what he just came across with. So this was the way Zawar made so much money in a short time span. He was also involved in abducting innocent teenagers, mostly girls. They would introduce them to drugs and then sell them to different brothels for a hefty amount

He was standing outside the police station where they just brought Zawar Shah finally arresting him because now they have enough proofs to file a charge sheet against him

"Put these handcuffs off me. You don't know who I am I …" Zawar was furious and he lost his words as soon his eyes fell on Maier pushing the keeper away he lunged forward

"YOU BA****D, BACKSTABBER! YOU FU**ING DECIEVED ME .." with his handcuffed hands he grabbed his collar and he was about to hit him when Aamir intruded

"He didn't do anything. This all is the payback for your own deeds" 

Maier pushed his hands aside and gave him a deathly glare, "You thought I would grant favors to you after what you did to Anabia and stealing quotations. Now you'll rot here in the jail rest of your life" 

Aamir gestured the keeper to take Zawar away and as he did he kept shouting madly, "YOU CAN'T PROTECT HER. SHE IS MINE. I'LL COME BACK TO TAKE HER"

Maier thanked Aamir as the policemen took Zawar away. It's almost dawn now. In the chaos of chasing Zawar he almost forgot to inform Anabia. For a week he was so engrossed in getting down Zawar that he couldn't give time to her but now he can't wait to see his beloved wife


Assalam O Alaikum

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