Part 4

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While she was thinking, a jinni appeared. It was even bigger then the two she had met on the road. He was a king of Jinni and could bestow gifts upon whomever he wanted.

"Girl, why are you standing there on the shore?" The jinni inquired.

"I want to wash this spoon in the ocean but I am afraid of the waves and the animals," Coumba responded timidly.

"You are only afraid because you do not know the ocean or the animals." The king jinni declared.

"Spend the night here until the predawn prayer. You will meet all of the animals and listen to the song of the ocean. Then you will no longer be afraid."

Coumba did as she was told. She listen to the song of the ocean and met all of the animals. She spoke to the docile animals and the unpleasant ones.

Before dawn, Coumba made her prayers. She waited for the sun to rise and then washed the spoon in the ocean. Before she left the jinni king gave her seven eggs.

Nyari Coumba: The Tale of Two DaughtersWhere stories live. Discover now