Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Okay okay sorry I'll find a good one, Never have I ever wished to be in a different Hogwarts house?" Harry questioned the group.

One hesitant hand that belonged to Hermione raised itself.

"Really?" Pansy asked softly.

"Well yeah you guys are all awesome and I wish we could do this more often without having to ask the teachers and stuff you know?" Hermione asked suddenly self conscious.

"Yeah that would be cool babe." Pansy soothed her.

The group all smiled happy that Pansy had someone to be herself with and love.

"Okay Never have I ever been sent a howler." Harry asked.

Everyone looked around as if waiting for someone to raise their hands hesitantly Harry did.

"You?? When??" Draco asked.

"Well they used to be Dudley's favourite way of reaching me before I got my phone working here but I make sure they are all always sent to my room, not to mention all of the Dumbledore supporters ones, but I found out a way to burn those ones." Harry commented casually.

"Hmm I might have to talk to Dudley about getting them sent to the Great Hall during breakfast.."Draco commented with a smirk.

"Don't you dare!" Harry warned.

To which Draco quipped back "Are you daring me?" 

"Draco, stop thinking that!" Harry warned again.

"Oh yeah? Make me." Draco teased before the group got bored and broke up their conversation in the form of Theo yelling, "NEXT!" 

"Okay never have I ever made out in a broom closet/cupboard?" Harry asked.

Everyone's hands except for Blaise and Theo.

"Never?" Draco asked confused.

"No that is gross." Blaise replied offended.

"Don't worry your time will come Theo." Pansy joked.

"Excuse you actually I prefer other places like the library." Theo defended.

"The library?" Draco asked laughing.

"Yes the library, Madam Pince never checks the back room and they are soundproof." Blaise said confidently.

"Well then I think we need to check out the Library babe." Harry teased.

"Hell no that's our place!" Theo complained.

"Not any more." Draco smirked.

"Ugh this game is ruining everything next game." Theo pouted.

"Okay, give me a sec." Harry said through laughter.

"Okay so how this one works is that you pick a person and you give them two things or scenarios to choose from for example: Draco, would you rather babysit a screaming Mandrake on New Year's Eve, or have someone spike your drink with polyjuice potion to make you look like Mad-Eye Moody on prom night?" Harry said once he had calmed down.

Draco made a face of disgust before replying, "The mandrake, at least then I could shut it up by either burying it in dirt or kill the damn thing."

"You know I'm not so sure if this is good or not but the fact that you would kill something to shut it up doesn't even scare me anymore." Pansy stated surprised.

"Fair, anyways do you guys get it?" Harry asked the group

They all nodded and said "Okay so Draco seeing as I asked you one it's your turn to ask someone else." 

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