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"Uh, well, this is definitely not our linen closet," Toby remarked. 

The closet doorway had led them into a stone hall, torches lining the walls.  Up ahead, another doorway stood, the old, Medieval-looking door open just a crack, letting in some light to the dim hall, sparkling off the glitter that was sprinkled around them. Laughter and voices could be heard from that next doorway. The shadow they had been following was nowhere to be seen - yet, anyways. 

"Sarah," Toby whispered when she took a step towards the door.

"Shh," she whispered back, nodding for him to follow her.

Slowly they approached the door, the overlapping laughter and voices only growing the closer they got. 

Sarah reached out and pushed the door open gingerly, it giving a faint creak as she did so, and she and Toby stepped through the doorway. 

The laughing stopped abruptly and dozens of beady little eyes fell upon them.  Toby cursed and jumped back. 

They had stepped into the throne room, bustling with goblins of all shapes and sizes, who gasped upon seeing the siblings.  The throne itself however, sat empty and untouched. 

"Well... Well, well, well..." A low voice crooned, followed by an equally low chuckle that seemed to echo throughout the room, off the stone walls and back to them. "And what have we here?" The goblins began to shift as someone made their way through the crowd of them.

Heeled boots clicked upon the stone floor while a long, dark cloak dragged behind.  Wild hair bounced with every step.  

Sharp teeth revealed themselves when the figured smiled.  His different coloured eyes, one blue and the other brown, sparkled brightly. 

"Hello, Sarah. Welcome back. We've missed you." Jareth grinned, a chuckle rumbling deep in his throat. He gave her a warm smile - or the warmest smile the King of the Goblins could muster.  Then his sharp eyes fell upon the teenager at her side. "Ah, Toby! Look at you! My how you've grown!"

Toby was speechless.

"Where's Gaby?" Sarah demanded.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.... After years of not seeing each other, this is how you greet me?"

"Oh stop with the friendly act.  Where is she?"

"She's perfectly fine."

"I don't believe you."

"But she is, I insist.  She's off with some of the goblins playing dress-up.  Reminds me of you. All your stories and toys and costumes."

"I don't do that, not anymore."

"But you used to. You daughter certainly is a charming young girl - also reminds me of you.  You raised her well."

"Thank you, I guess."

"Sarah," hissed Toby, his eyes not leaving Jareth.  "What the hell's going on? Who is this guy?"

"Why Toby, you don't remember? It is I, Jareth, King of the Goblins.  Welcome to my labyrinth." Jareth gave a sweeping bow.

"Uh, okay then..."  Toby turned to his sister.  "Why is he acting like he knows us?"

"Because I do, and you know me." Jareth grinned.

"Yeah, that's not creepy at all..."

"Don't change the subject," cut in Sarah.  "I want my daughter back.  I didn't even wish her away or anything like that. I would never do that."

"No, but still I found her."

"You stole her."

  "And so,  as the rules go, if you want her back you must solve my labyrinth in order to get her back."

"That's not-"

"Fair. But see, I think it is. Do you want her back?"

"Of course, she's my daughter."

"Exactly, and so how far are you willing to go for her?"

"I would die for her!"

"Very well, then the labyrinth shouldn't be any trouble at all then."

Sarah sighed.  "We don't have time for this."

"But you do." Jareth strode forward towards them.  Toby took a step back, and while she was tempted to do the same, Sarah stood her ground.  "You have thirteen hours-"

"-Thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth, or else Gaby stays here forever. Yeah, I remember how this works."

Jareth smirked. "Yes, and as I recall you said it was a 'piece of cake'. Not so fast though, dear girl. I've made some changes to the terms this time around."

Sarah's heart skipped - she didn't like the sound of that. "What changes?" she dared to ask. 

"You have thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth. If you do, you, your daughter, and your brother go home. But if not, you all stay here -  and you, my dear Sarah, become my Queen."

Silence filled the room until the goblins started muttering again, choruses of "ohhhhhh!" now echoing around the hall. 

Sarah's jaw fell open. "That's not fair!"

He chuckled. "I knew you would say that." Then his smile fell some and his eyes seemed to grow darker, narrower.  "You won last time.  But this time, I'm upping the stakes."

A long silence followed, Sarah and the king staring each other down.

"You said it yourself Sarah, you don't have time for this.  So, what will it be?" Jareth urged her on.

Sarah gritted her teeth, thinking of Gaby.  "Fine, I'll do it. But on one condition."

"Name it and we'll see."

"You changed the rules so I should at least get one condition.  You give me one of your crystals so that I can watch over Gaby while on my journey."

"I can assure you, Sarah, your daughter is in safe hands."

"I want to be able to see for myself. I'm having a hard time believing you," she sneered.

"You must love your daughter very much."

"Of course I do."

Jareth eyed her for a moment more.  "Very well. I accept your condition." He held up one of his round crystals, offering it to her. Before she could take it though, he juggled it a few times before tossing it up into the air, she narrowly missing catching it. "Oh, and despite how lovely you look -and you said you didn't dress up anymore."

"I was on a date."

"Oh, lucky you."

"I'm not sure.  I had to leave because my daughter went missing."

"Anyway, I would imagine you'd like a change of clothing before you begin on your journey."

"Oh, aren't you thoughtful."

He chuckled.  "Yes, I am."  With a wave of his hand, her dress disappeared, replaced by a shirt with billowing sleeves, a long vest, pants, and boots, similar to what she had been wearing the first time she had conquered the labyrinth. 

"There, all set for an adventure."  Jareth waved his hand again.  "Now, tick tock, your time has begun. Good luck, Sarah."

(Yay, finally the Goblin King himself is here! ;) 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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