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"Where is all this glitter coming from?" Sarah swore everywhere she looked, she saw the silver flecks, catching the light, flickering and sparkling.  Almost magically, some might say.

"Hoggle  brought it," Gaby answered without hesitation. 

Hoggle. The imaginary friend. One of the many imaginary friends. Bless Gaby and her wild imagination.

"It's the Goblin King's! He loves glitter!"


"Hoggle says glitter is the Goblin King's favourite!"

"Yes..." She never should have let Gaby get her hands on that book. But as soon as Gaby saw the embossed red leather cover, with the word she couldn't pronounce in gold lettering, The Labyrinth, she had been intrigued, and begged Sarah to read it to her.  Sarah had given in, eventually, despite knowing she would regret it.

And she did, of course.

What harm could a story do? A lot, as she herself had learned. 

"Well, let's clean it up, or it will make a mess." It already was messy.

While they scooped up the glitter, Gaby continued describing her friends, nothing Sarah hadn't heard before.

"Hoggle. He likes riddles. And jewelry."

Yes, I know.

 Gaby had made some beaded jewelry for her friends. Sarah hadn't seen the jewelry since Gaby made it, so she didn't know where it had gone.

"And Ludo is big and hairy, and gives good hugs!"

"I see." Yes, very good hugs. 

This was a regular occurrence, though it seemed that the stories were becoming more and more extravagant. 

And then there were times like:

"Mum, can we buy some dog treats?"


"Cause Didymus has a dog, Ambrosius, and I want to get him treats!"

The story just kept getting wilder and wilder, more and more lifelike - this is what Sarah had feared.  Gaby sure had an imagination, taking after her mum in this way, so it was completely natural for her to become so heavily engaged in a story like this.  In fact, it was the perfect story for a wildly imaginative mind. 

"Honey, you look exhausted." Sarah's friend Caroline expressed her concern often.

"That would be because I am. But it's fine, really. It's a good sort of exhaustion." After all, this was her daughter she was talking about, her family.  She loved Gaby so much - but even imaginative Sarah was beginning to feel like Gaby's fantasies were starting to go too far. 

"Okay, good, just checking in."

"Of course, thank you, as always." 

Caroline was always generous and had helped and supported Sarah a lot during her single-motherhood. 

"Oh, and before I forget, my cousin has a friend-"

"Not interested, Carol."


"Mum, you scared them all away!" Gaby cried when Sarah peeked her head into Gaby's room to tuck her in and say goodnight.

Her reaction startled Sarah. "Scared who all away?"

"The goblins!"

"I thought you were reading before bed."

"I was! I was reading aloud to them."

Labyrinthine Heart (Only For Forever)Where stories live. Discover now