I look at myself in the mirror, getting a good look at my reflection before I start looking like a Walking Dead character. Soon enough, my straight teeth will sharpen, and my eye's and hair will turn white. Thankfully nothing too bad happend to me yet, other then I'm not eating regularly. All the food my parents make me, I can't eat. I also keep moaning and groaning. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Has to be this horrendous disease.


"Hellooo .. call for the undead," Danny whispered in a ghostly voice. I walk into my bedroom to see my older brother sitting on my bed with a bowl of ... goop?

"Where'd you come from?" I ask fixing my ponytail before sitting down on the bed next to him.

"The hall?" He replied, pointing to the hallway with his thumb. "Duh."

I slapped him with a pillow. "You know what I mean, dork." He laughed at me.

"Hey! Don't hit the guy who's basically risking his life to bring you breakfast." He said pointing to the bowl of goop I saw earlier. He brushed the hair out of his face that hung low over his eyes. Everyone said that Danny's insane puffy hair and football-player build came from mom's side of the family, while my straight hair and string-bean legs came from my dad's side. Danny handed me the bowl, even though I wasn't hungry.

"Wait, why are you not wearing your sanitary gear!" I say pointing to him.

"Mom and dad aren't the best hall guards. Plus I'm not scared of catching the virus, I'm actually kinda jealous. I mean, I'm the one that loves monsters, yet you get to be one." He exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

"I'll trade. You can be the zombie." I say picking up the pillow once again and hit him with it. "Mom and dad need you here anyways, I'll get better and come back soon." I cross my fingers and look down at my so-called breakfast. I took a closer look at the goop, it was pink and lumpy.

"What the hell is this?" I say turning to Danny. He raises his eyebrows.

"Well, it's brains of course. Just helping you adapt a little," he says laughing.

"It's spaghetti with blush sauce." He admitted.

Doesn't sound too bad ..

But I turned it down anyways.

"Oh, but there's more .." He reaches down to the floor and lifts up a small plate of moldy blueberries. They'd grown white fuzzy fur, and were all stuck together like a big lump.

"This is the desert." He winked. "Spoiled fruit is a zombies favorite," he stated, handing me the plate with a spoon. I still wasn't hungry, but oddly enough, it did look yummy.

Zombitus has some strange symptoms ..

I took the plate and spoon shaking just a tad, they were so stuck together that I had to eat it all in one big bite.

Unfortunately, delicious.

"Thanks, Dan." I say placing the plate on the bed.

"Winter!" I heard my mom calling me from down stairs. "Your ride's here!"

I get up to look outside my window, I see a long black limousine barked in my driveway. A long banner was painted on the front that said: ZBSA-Transport.

"Zombie-Boarding-School-Academy." The name didn't sound so good on my tounge. IECA Highschool sounded better ..

"Winter! Tell Danny he's not aloud in your bedroom, I know he's in there!" Dad yells from downstairs.

"Mom and dad may not be good hall guards, but they sure as hell are good parents," I grin.

"Eyes at the back of their heads." He agreed. "Ain't no name for that kind of vision." He walks to the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I got a few extra presents for your trip." He says picking up a small bag he'd set down by the door when he had first walked in. He picked out a small oddly shaped key out of the bag.

"It's a skeleton key." He stated.

"Skeleton?" I repeated after him, putting the chain around my neck as he explained how it could open any lock. He then grabbed a white T-shirt that was at the bottom, it read: Evil Genius across the front, and handed it to me.

"But this is your favorite shirt, Dan." I said trying to give it back to him.

"I know it's too big for you, but maybe you could pin it to your wall or something .." He walks forward hugging me tight. His head buried in my shoulder.

"I'll miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you too, dork." I say as I held my brother. That was when I heard the limo driver honk.

I guess it's time to go ..

- - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: Before creating this 'novel,' I've read a lot about zombies in books and online, trying to find an interesting story to read. But all my leads turned out to be dead ends, smh. If you liked this intro, feel free to comment/vote/add. ✔

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