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The bell rings, and I go downstairs to meet up with Ruby and Will. As I'm walking down, I can see the new girl following me. She has brown hair, not unlike my own, and brown eyes rimmed with black eyeliner.

"Hey... um, do you mind if I can have lunch with you today..??" she says nervously. I'm not normally somebody who lets random people come to lunch with me but she seems nice enough so I reply,


We talk a bit as we walk the rest of way along the corridor, and I ask her about her classes. I think she gets a bit of a shock when she sees Ruby. I'm used to it but I know it can be a bit wierd for some people, I mean, bright green hair isn't something you see everyday.

"Hi Ruby, do you mind if..." I realise I don't know the girl's name.

"Maya, my name's Maya," she tells us.

"Do you mind if Maya comes to lunch with us?"

"Yeah, you can come," Ruby says to Maya.

Then Ruby jokes, "Just don't steal my food!"

"I won't!" Maya says, "I'll steal Saiko's instead!"

It doesn't seem at all awkward as we walk to the cafe (called Midnight) where we go every day. Maya tells us about her old school, and how the teachers never actually did any teaching, so she got moved here, to Elm High. She looks sad whilst she is speaking and something else, like guilt flashes across her face.

When we reach Midnight, me and Will both order cheese and ham paninis, Ruby orders curly fries and Maya orders a cheese and tuna toastie.

"Ewww," exclaims Ruby, "Cheese and tuna??"

Authors Note: I don't like tuna and cheese toasties but @chrissyphps and her 'friend' do!

"It's actually really nice," says Maya as we take a seat on the leather sofa at the back of the cafe.

"Well I'm still never going to try one," declares Ruby.

"I don't really care if it tastes wierd, it's still food!" mumbles Will, his mouth full of mars bar.

"Order 3," calls out the woman from behind the counter.

We go up to retrieve our food when Maya stops and her face goes as white as a ghost.

"Are you alright?" I say concerned.

"Fine," she grimaces.

Everybody is quiet as we walk back to school, all busy eating our food but Maya has finished and is still silent. That when I notice it. On the polystyrene box that holds Ruby 's fries, I see the skull that I saw yesterday, but with the number 9 instead. By the looks of things Ruby hasn't seen it - she wouldn't have just binned it if she had. I decide not to say anything though - she sounded like she was getting annoyed at me yesterday.

When we get back to school I switch on my phone and go on Google.

"I can see pictures and numbers but my friends don't" I type, and press search.

These are some of the results:

I tagged my friend in a post but they don't see it
My friends don't see if I tagged them in a post, how do I.....

I don't even have facebook

Drug advice | Acid
Acid can cause hallucinations, short term and long term. If you friend say that thing are there, even if you can't see.....

Yeah, 'cause I totally take drugs *sarcasm*

And so on and so forth, the results continue. As it was no help, I switch off my phone.

But not before Maya saw what I searching.

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