Chapter 5 Mutanted Insecets in Hoshido

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3rd Pov

Godzilla was helping rebuilding the town. He was strong that he lift everything. The builders were then building new buildings and replacing some. Sakura was then healing Anguirus while he looks at her.

Sakura:  Uhhh why are you looking at me for?"

Anguirus: " It's that why are you not scared?"

Sakura: " Well Godzilla told me about you."

Anguirus: " Really?"

Sakura: " Yes Godzilla told me in prison about your world and it was interesting that there are people who does traditions like Hoshido but different."

Anguirus: " Ohh I see but what does Godzilla thinks about me?"

Sakura: " Doing your best. That's like I try to do my best to heal others."

Anguirus: " Ohh I see."

Godzilla was then putting the stuff down while sitting down by him.

Anguirus: " Godzilla why are we helping the humans?"

Godzilla: " Well my father destroys them so he could eat but for me I just had like a heart."

Anguirus: " Ohh I see so what do we get for the hard work?"

Godzilla: "* Shoulders up*"

Anguirus: " Well I guess I feel ok."

Anguirus gets up while he is upright and holds some building parts. Godzilla then relax while looking at Anguirus.

Sakura: " So there are many like you?"

Godzilla: " Yeah basically I use to live on an island with everyone but then this happens and I'm here. Basically I could live with this or maybe I need to find home."

Sakura: " Ohh I see well.... I try my best to be brave."

Godzilla: " Cool well I'm taking a break."

Godzilla was then taking a nap until a shadow came. Godzilla opens his eyes until he sees Corrin.

Corrin: " So Azura told me that your trying to flirt with me."

Godzilla: " What no I was not."

Sakura: " Uhhh I just saw you literally trying to talking your way out from doing flirty things."

Godzilla: " .......... Ok fine I had interest on you. Look we already met plus I don't know girls."

Corrin: " ........."

Corrin just walks away while Godzilla then took a nap.


Leader X was then looking his his screen to see the boy who is Godzilla.

Leader X: " Ahhh yes so Godzilla could transform into his human form. Interesting I wonder how could we do it."

Alien Grunt: " Leader we carried looks of waste energy. What should we do with it?"

Leader X: " Dumb the waste in the planet we don't need it."

Alien grunt: " Yes sir."

It was then the aliens then dumb energy waste at the planet. The waste then hits the forest mutating the insects to be bigger and stronger.


Sakura was healing the wounded from the town but they are too many to heal and the healing supplies are now.

Sakura: " Ohh dear we needed more herbs."

Anguirus: " Hey Sakura you ok?"

Sakura: " No with the wounded we are not ok. I needed more herbs in the forest. I'll go with my sister while tell them that me and Hinoka are leaving."

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