Chapter 8

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I yawn as I hear my alarm going off. I peek at Maze, who is still sleeping beside me and smile, seeing her sleeping position. Gosh! she is so adorable. Jimin is missing out a lot.

I chuckle and take a picture of her to send to him, but I remember that I was the one who gave him my number, not the other way around. I plop my head on the pillow in disappointment but quickly brush it off and get up to do my daily routine.

After preparing breakfast for both Maze and me, I go to my room to wake Maze up for school. Yeah, Maze goes to kindergarten because I'm not available in the morning so I decided to send her there instead of finding her a baby setter.

"Hey, Mazie. Wake up, baby," I call out for her as she shifts and rolls on the bed. I giggle and take her to the bathroom to wash her face. Eventually after, I feed her the cereals and make her ready for school.

I usher her to go get her back bag and she does with her little feet, tapping as fast as she could on the floor making an adorable sound.

We ride the car, and I drop her off at her school then I head to my workplace. Today is one of the days, I'm asked to be present at work which is something I dread. I seriously hate interacting with fake people, and those who are present here, are 100% fake, not a single one of them is real.

I go to my assigned desk and take a seat when a sudden human male figure pops behind me surprising the shit out of me. "Yoo! Y/n. Long-time no see. Are you working from home still?"

I internally huff and curse. This guy has been bugging me since God knows when. "Listen there Markie, Take your sweet ass and go back to your desk. I don't want to deal with bullshit this early in the morning," I shu him away.

He pouts but I ignore him and open my laptop then it starts-

'The perfectionist came back, huh!'

'Do you think the director threatened her? she doesn't show up.'

'Are you dumb! They are obviously together. Didn't you see how she shows up whenever it pleases her like it's her father's company or something!'

Yes, people love me dearly over here. That's one thing I despise about this workspace, gossiping. I don't know when did it start or why did it even start. Something I'll never know.

I start with work while plugging my earbuds, neglecting all the chippers surrounding me. Some time pass with me writing some codes when my phone suddenly vibrates, distracting me. I pull it out, seeing a message from Jimin.

Unknown: Hi! This is Jimin. I wanted to ask you to send me Maze's birth certificate so I can register her name under my family's.

unknown -save contact to-> Jimin

Me: Okay. I'll send it to you but give me your email first.

Jimin: Oh! Okay. this is my work email so don't spam it 😞

Me: Okay 😑 Mr.important.

I search for the birth certificate on my laptop and send it to him through the email he gave me.

Me: I sent it. Did it reach you?

A few minutes later, he replies to my message.

Jimin: Sorry. Someone came to my office 🙃, and yes I saw it.

Me: It's fine.

My answer is short to go back to work, and also I don't want to take much of his time since he is busy.

When it's finally time for me to leave, I shut down my laptop and get up to leave with my earbuds still on to get rid of any unnecessary pollution. However, my phone's vibration let me pause the music and see Jimin's name pop up.

I smile and take the call while walking out of the building.

"Hello!" He starts.


"Hmm! Do you happen to be free?" He asks with a little bit of hesitation in his voice.

"Yeah, I just got off work."

"Oh, really! Would you like me to come and get you?" He says in one go.

I chuckle at his cute behaviour while politely rejecting his offer "No, it's fine. I already have my car. Do you want to meet up with Maze?"

He clears his throat and hums in approval so I give him the location of a park near Maze's school to meet us there.

30 minutes later, Maze is already sliding down while I sit down on the wooden bench, waiting for Jimin's appearance. My phone rings so I pick it up quickly when I see Jimin's name "Where are you?" He asks for my location.

I raise my hand for him to notice me. An 'ah' sound escapes his mouth through the phone when he sees me and comes over with a small bag in his hand, giving it to me.

"What's that?" I question him while looking at the bag in my hand. He runs his hand through his hair, replying "some sweets for Maze, I guess!"

I chuckle at his awkwardness and point to where Maze is. He looks at her direction but surprises me when he sits beside me instead of going to her.

"All my life I've been watching parents, eyeing their children while playing. Now it's me doing this. Waah! It's truly amazing how time can change things." He blurts out of nowhere, but I listen to him anyway with both our eyes glued to Maze.

She finally notices Jimin's presence and runs toward us, almost stumbling but Jimin catches her in time. "Ay little one. Be careful," he says as he brushes her pants with his hand.

Maze opens her arms for him to carry her which he does and places her on his lap. Jimin gets out a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me. "And now what is this?" I ask.

"This is me being officially Maze's father," he says these words and gets up with Maze giggling, going to the swing together.

My heart thumps against my chest as I open the piece of paper, seeing Maze's name with a Park beside hers.

It's truly amazing how time can change things as Jimin just said. Now I have no regrets. She is not going to grow up without a father because he is right there beside her.

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