Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag

Start from the beginning

John tried every nook and corner but found nothing.

He immediately went to work looking through her desk,, drawers, cupbaords, under the mattress , at every single place, but he found nothing

Those people cleaned up pretty well' he thought.

But they weren't D because he might have mentioned to him about it especially the pictures of marriage.

However he noticed those glowing Japanese lamp, one looked different from others.

He removed the lamp and separated it from the bulb carefully taking it and holding it.

When Sakura returned john tried to be nonchalant "Can I keep this please"

Sakura nodded.


Once back "are you alright?" Hailey asked "where had you been?'

"At a friend's place" John said. John did not know why he was hiding the fact that he met Ayoka's sister.

He probably did not want to drag the dead girl's family into the mess.

"Don't you know it isn't safe to wonder around alone?" D stated angrily.

"I am alive. Aint I?' John said curtly

"John we were worried about you." Mrs. Hailey said.

John felt guilty all of a sudden for being harsh "I am sorry. I am not feeling good. I have so many things running in my head" Hailey patted his shoulders "its okay. We understand and you should know that you can share everything with us.""

"You are the only family I remember" John said "of course I'd share everything with you."

"Any new visions or reveries you got?" D asked from behind the papers he was working through.

It was in the tip of his tongue to inform that he remembered that he was married but he kept quiet for no specific reasons.

Later John went to Kathie's place again

He couldn't hold himself

He was worried about her since he met her family.

"Hi!" he greeted scratching the back of his neck.

"Hi" she greeted back, same light missing from her face that he used to see earlier.

"Your parents home?" he asked "I was worried about you" his eyes speaking his concern

"No they have gone to someone's funeral" he said "and you need not worry.' The polite girl was harsh for the first time "They are my parents. I have been living them all this while. I am fine, always been."

Yes" John said elated "that's the best thing about you. You are always smiling especially I respect you now when I see how difficult your parents..."

John realized he was crossing his line again "I am sorry" he apologized.

"Coffee?" Kathie asked although she had decided against his but his apology stirred something inside her.

"Sure" John said, as he did not wait any further to make himself comfortable at her place.

Once in the house John started opening the bag Sakura had given him.

Kathie was shocked that John did not volunteer to make the coffee but she let it be.

He had come back after 4 days since he was last here.

Her fingers hovered over her mobile phone multiple times to simply check on him but she retrieved last moment.

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