Chapter 3

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There was a small party for everyone at the training camp, and Daniel and Mitch had begged me to come along with them. I wasn't super keen on going; what's the point if I'm the only sober one? I didn't want to have a hangover for tomorrow's training session, and technically I wasn't even supposed to drink. One drink lead to another and then suddenly, I'm shitfaced.

Still, I decided to go. Everyone else was going, so it would be a good chance to get to know all the new teammates. I had about an hour to get ready, and I planned to spend at least half of that time taking a nice hot shower.

Daniel had left with Auston and Mitch to pick up some food for tonight. Even though Daniel wasn't on the team, he was technically my plus one, but everyone already knew him anyways.

I stepped out of the shower just as Daniel arrived. As I opened the bathroom door, he was standing there, holding two huge bags of chips with a big, dumb smile on his face.

"We're eating good tonight!" he cheered, tossing me a bag. Sour cream and onion.

"I don't know if I consider this eating good," I laughed, throwing it back to him. He was already dressed up. I, on the other hand, had no idea what I was going to wear. I didn't pack much, either.

With a couple minutes to spare, I decided on these random black pants, my green hoodie, and a denim jacket. An incredibly basic outfit, I know, but it was my go-to and it didn't hurt that it was comfortable as well.

By the time Daniel and I arrived in the lobby, most of the team was there, getting ready to leave. A few of the older guys had rented an Airbnb and stayed there instead of the hotel, and that was where we were all heading.

I awkwardly fiddled with the sleeves of my hoodie as Will and Mitch were figuring out car plans.

"I could just drive you guys back," Brianna suggested, fixing her lipstick. Mitch's arms were casually draped around her shoulders as they were talking.

"I don't know if I trust you to not drink," Auston joked. Everyone was laughing and bantering, but all I really wanted to do was just go back to my room. I knew I was going to end up being the designated driver, but the problem was that we had two cars. Unfortunately, I could only drive one. Obviously.

"Hey Jules! What's up?" Will shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw Julia heading towards us with a small smile on her face. She was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a small, white top.

"Eyes up here, Feds," she smirked as she walked past me. I heard a laugh from beside me, but I didn't even care who it was. I guess I was kind of embarrassed for getting caught checking her out.

"Wasn't doing that," I mumbled, trying to cover my ass. I saw Brianna raise a curious eyebrow with a big smile on her face.

Brianna had been my friend since high school. I was actually the one who introduced her and Mitch. She had watched me go through endless amounts of girls, and was always asking me when I would really settle down. Or, when the next hook up would be. Apparently she had this six sense— one where she knew which girl was next. And by the looks of it, she thought it was Julia.

I shuddered. I couldn't even think about hooking up with Julia. Sure, she was pretty hot, but she was a teammate and kind of a bitch. I didn't know her well, but she was still holding a grudge against Auston, who had mistaken her for a fan and hit her with a car door by accident.

Come to think about it, I would probably be mad if he did that. But still. I'm typically right about these things.

"Shut up Brianna. I keep telling you that you're wrong," I shot back at her. Mitch looked at us and then Julia, connecting the puzzle.

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