stuck with this bitch

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songs for this chapter:

>enchanted-taylor swift
>nana-the 1975
>love is not over-bts



"NO I DIDN'T! IT'S MINE!" The two little girls angrily tugged on the poor teddy bear, like it was the rope for Tug of War.

The golden door opened. The two adults checked on the two fighting girls in the playroom. They all chuckled a bit at the two little girls, well, this happened all the time in their palace.

"Okay okay kids, enough with torturing Mr. Teddy." The Empress took the teddy bear away from the two kids, both of which, glared at her.

"I can't believe they're fighting again because of this." The maid, Chaeyoung's mom, muttered to the Queen.

"Okay you two, you guys don't have to fight. Mina, what did I tell you about what's yours and what's not yours?"

"BUT IT'S MINE!" The little Japanese girl squeaked with her hands pointing at the bear.

"NO IT'S NOT! YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME WHILE I WAS PLAYING!" Chaeyoung argued. The empress redirected her eyes to her daughter, who started to quiver in either anger or frustration, or both.

"Mina, is that true?" The little Japanese girl started pouting and huffing with her arms crossed.


"ITS MINE!" Unexpectedly, Mina tugged on the bear's head so forcefully that the head tore off, with all of its cotton stuffing falling all over the place. The two kids looked mortified at the fallen head of the decapitated teddy bear.

"MR TEDDY!" Chaeyoung ran to the decapitated teddy bear. There were tears falling from her eyes. The other girl was frozen, still mortified at what she has done.

Chaeyoung cradled the fallen teddy bear head, glaring at the older girl with tears welling up in her eyes.


and that's how she came to hate her


"Tomorrow we'll be discussing about astronomy, your majesty. Make sure you read your notes." The scholar bowed down to the elegant princess who reciprocated the gesture.

"Thank you very much for this lecture, lecturer Hinata. I will see you again tomorrow." The two people exchanged goodbyes before Mina left the room, with her books in her arms. The elegant princess was greeted with the fresh spring breeze of the garden inside of the palace.

"Good afternoon, your majesty." A female maid bowed and greeted her, the princess reciprocated the gesture.

"Good afternoon." She smiled while she continued to walk to the direction where her room is located.

"Good afternoon, your majesty." A male guard on duty greeted her and she greeted him back.

"Good afternoon to you too." Mina was a highly respected princess in this palace. People greeted her with full respect and they truly adore her for her humility and intellect, well, since that's what they mostly see on the surface. But most of them don't know the true nature of the princess.

While the princess walked around the halls surrounding the indoor garden, a viscous sight has been seen by her. Her eyes narrowed and she silently glared at the person, also known as Chaeyoung.

Princesses and Peasants|Michaeng ✔Where stories live. Discover now