Chapter 6

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~ 1 week later ~

Katniss's P.O.V.

My life is slowly getting better. Other than the fact that this concussion will be the death of me. I throw up all the time. Morning, afternoon, night. I rest all the time. I am sick of it. I had my stitches from the stab wound removed. It still is sore. And my stomach is swollen still. I haven't been able to work. Which is making me stressed out. Bills are piling up. But my Dad won't let me go. I can only go to school, then come home and rest. Prim and Dad do the other things. And Peeta has been staying over here for the past week. Which has been so nice. I feel safer. Gale was tried and sent to prison for two years. I still feel uneasy. Two years isn't that long. I don't know what I'll do when he gets out. I can't leave. I have Prim and Dad. And I suppose Mom. Who I haven't heard from in a while. I feel good about that, but I hate to admit it.. Worried. Peeta lays with me in my bed. His strong, and secure, arms wrapped around me. I could die in his arms. Only his arms. There is a knock on the door and then it opens. I hear my Dad whisper to Peeta. I lay facing the wall so they don't think I'm awake. Peeta gently kisses my cheek, then gets up. I stay still and facing the wall until they leave. I can hear them talking softly, and Prim talks with them. I feel like something is going on. But I decide not to eavesdrop. The door opens again and I lay still and close my eyes. I feel Peeta's gentle hand touch my shoulder. He shakes it.

"Hey, Katniss. Wake up." He says quietly.

I pretend groan and roll over. "Hmm?" I say.

"Your Dad wants to talk to you." He says and offers me his hand.

"Oh.. okay." I say.

He helps me up. We leave my room. Prim and my Dad are sitting on the couch.

"Sit down, Katniss. We have some things to talk about." My Dad says.

I look at Peeta with a confused and concerned look. He smiles sincerely at me. I sit down next to Prim. She holds my hand.

"What is this? What's going on?" I ask.

"We have some news.. About Mom, Katniss." Prim says.

"Katniss.. Your Mom... she overdosed last week. We held off telling you.. Because of the whole Gale situation. Her funeral will be this weekend. Prim and I have been making the arrangements, while you were healing." Dad says.

"Mom is.... Gone?" I ask quietly.

"We just didn't want that to be on your mind is all, Kat." Prim says and hugs me.

My Dad hugs the both of us. They try to keep me from hurting.


"Mom, look at me. Look at me." I say and shake my Mom's arm.

She stares blankly out of our small apartment window. I look back at my little sister who's only 3. She's playing with her small teddy bear. We need to go to school.

"Mom, don't just sit there. Say something." I say and shake her harder.

"Katniss?" Prim asks me quietly.

"I know, Little Duck. One second." I say.

"Mom, please? Come on."I say and grow more angry and also sad.

Mom looks at me for once. I see her behind her eyes. She wants to get out. But she's locked away. Trapped.


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