Chapter 8: Could've Let Me Down Slowly

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3 person's P.O.V.

Jack had been there for hours, drinking beer after beer after beer, drowning his sorrows. Before he knew it he was to drunk to drive so someone from the bar had to drive him home, thankfully for Jack everyone at the bar already knew who he was and where he lived. Poor Elsa had been at his house for hours worried sick and no idea where he is.

Elsa's P.O.V.

I had so much fun spending the day with Anna and her boyfriend Kristoff. I've missed her so much, I look down at my phone for the time and see that it's 9 pm which means I need to head back. I tell Anna and Kristoff bye and get into my car and head back to Mr. Frost's. I get there three hours later and don't see Mr. Frost's car which means he isn't home yet. I park my car then head inside. I go to my room and change back into my uniform then go and do my duties. It's 11:30 and Mr. Frost isn't back yet so I go and chat with all of the other maids. I see its almost midnight and figured Mr. Frost must be at a business dinner or something so I go back into my room and change into a pair of blue pajama bottoms, and a blue noodle strap crop top. I lay in my bed and start reading a book.

Hours later

Mr. Frost still isn't back yet and I'm starting to get worried. I then hear a car outside and I quickly run outside to greet whoever it is, hoping it's Mr. Frost. I get outside and see Mr. Frost's car pulling up and another one behind it and I'm swept over with relief. I see a man I've never seen before he has short brown hair, fair skin like Mr. Frost's, and green eyes. He steps out of the drivers seat and walks over to the passenger side and help a very drunk Mr. Frost out. I run over to help him.

?: Are you his lover?

E: No I'm his maid, Elsa Winters

?: Nice to meet you I'm Jake

E: Nice to meet you too Jake just wish it could be under better circumstances *laughs slightly* thank you for bringing him home, I can take it from here

Ja: are you sure?

E: yes, thank you for all of your help

Ja: yea no problem

Jake gives Mr. Frost over to me as he is mumbling incoherently to me. Jake turns and gets into the other car and leaves as I drag Mr. Frost inside. Lucy and another maid named Rachel rush over to help me and all three of us drag him to his room.

E: has this type of thing ever happen before?

Rach: yes only once before

E: what had happened?

L: Mr. Frost was dating another woman before he married Mrs. Frost. He had found out she was cheating on him and he was devastated and got so drunk like he is right now

E: was he in love with her?

Rach: no but Mr. Frost is always devastated when he gets cheated on

I was shocked by this news, Mr. Frost always looked like the type of man to have nerves of steel. We get him to his room and lay him on his bed. Rachel stays and watches him as Lucy and I head back downstairs to prepare soup for Mr. Frost. I finish the soup and make a bowl with silverware and a napkin, while Lucy grabs a pitcher of water and a glass. We both head back upstairs to Mr. Frost's room.

Rach: thank goodness your back he's been calling your name Elsa

E: *shocked* he's been calling for me?

Rach: *nods head*

I'm completely shocked but I don't allow myself to get distracted. Lucy sets the pitcher and glass on the nightstand as Rachel pulls up a chair for me to sit in. I thank them both and tell them both they can go to sleep for I'll look after Mr. Frost. I hear Mr. Frost calling out my name and I turn to look at him.

E: it's okay Mr. Frost I'm right here

J: *opens his eyes* I'm hungry is dinner ready yet? *Trying his best not to slur his words*

E: yes sir I made you some soup

I get a spoon full of soup and blow on it before feeding it to him. He eagerly eats it up as food dribbles down his chin like a toddler. I grab the napkin and clean him up. I continue to feed him and clean him up till all of the soup is gone. I then pour him a glass of water.

E: here drink this *extends the glass to him for him to take a drink*

J: what is it?

E: its water sir

He leas forward wanting a drink. I bring the glass to his lips and help him take a drink. Once he's done I set the glass on the nightstand.

Minutes later

I notice that Mr. Frost is asleep so I quietly get up and about to leave when I suddenly feel someone grab my wrist. I turn to see Mr. Frost holding onto my wrist.

J: please don't leave, stay with me

He says giving me his most sincere look ever, his eyes pleading me not to leave, pleading me to stay with him. I look to the door then back at him.

E: okay I'll stay with you Mr. Frost

He smiled when I answered which caused me to smile as well. I sit back down in the chair getting comfortable.

E: I'll stay sitting here with you, I promise

J: no that isn't what I mean

E: *confused* then what do you mean Mr. Frost?

J: I mean you laying next to me in my bed

E: *shocked* but what about Mrs. Frost?

J: I'm not married anymore, the bitch cheated on me

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I think about it for a bit but decide to lay in his bed beside him. I get up and walk around to the other side of the bed and get in. Mr. Frost seemed pleased and then he covered me up with the blanket and put his arm around me which causes me to blush. Within a few minutes he was asleep and I slowly drifted off to sleep myself. 

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