Chapter 19: I've Finally Got Her Back

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Jack's P.O.V.

As I was about to respond to Elsa one of my men came up to me and told me that they've found tooth. We both ran to his car and drove off. We found tooth in a warehouse, she looked so scared and like she hadn't taken a bath in months. I pick her up in bridal style and take her to the car. Once we made it back to my mansion I had one of my maids help tooth to the bathroom and help her take a bath so she can clean up. A few minutes later the maid came back down stairs but without Tooth.

J: Where is she?

Maid: She is upstairs asleep in one of the spare rooms. Once she finished her bath she had said that she would like to rest up for she was exhausted.

J: Oh okay thank you

Maid: You're welcome sir *bows head then leaves*

I go up to my room, get ready for bed, and go to sleep.

~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and think to myself "I need to go and apologize to Elsa for what I had said last night cause I actually didn't mean any of it" I was just talking without thinking about what I said. But first I need to go check on Tooth and see how she is doing. I make my way to Tooth's room to find her awake and sitting up on the bed.

J: Hey how are you feeling?

T: I feel better now that I'm clean but I'm starving

J: Come down stairs with me and I'll make sure that you are fed till you are full

She climbed out of bed and clings to my arm as she walks with me down the stairs to the dinning room. We sit down and my maids bring us breakfast. We ate in total silence which I was okay with that cause I had far more pressing things on my mind. We both finished eating, I get up and get ready to leave to go see Elsa.

T: Where are you going Jackie?

J: To go see Elsa

T: Is she that platinum blonde you were going to marry yesterday?

J: Yep I said somethings to her last night that I didn't actually mean so I'm going to apologise to her

T: So you are going to leave me?

J: I won't be gone for long, I promise

T: But you are going to choose to be with her over me

J: Well....

T: Come on Jackie, don't you remember all of the fun we used to have together?

J: Yes I do.....

T: *gets up and walks over to Jack and wraps her arms around him* Then why think about her? Just come back to me Jackie, you were so happy when you were with me. Now that you're with that other girl you are so sad and I can't bare to see you sad Jackie

J: But she's the one who gave birth to my daughter Tooth

T: Forget about them, you don't need them. All you need is me

J: But....

T: *puts her finger to his lips to keep him quiet* Forget about them and focus on me Jackie *kisses him softly and passionately*

The next thing I knew she was kissing me and I was kissing her back. It escalated from just kissing to us making out. She pulls me closer to her which deepens the kiss, I grab her by her waist pulling her closer to me. Things continued to escalate and I'm sure you all know where that lead to.

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