"What matters is that your here to become a hero, all that matters is your goal and your family. They aren't important anymore." He says and I smile alittle.

"Thanks shoto, I'm sorry I cancelled our plans, is it okay to do them after school or tomorrow?" I ask and he nods.

"well figure it out, I heard from my father that we're doing internships, so after that." He says and I nod and I'm about to get up but he stops me before I can get up.

"Yes shoto?" I ask and he looks into my eyes and smiles.

"Please don't hate me after this." He says.

"Why would I ha-" I was then interrupted by shotos lips on mine and I then realize what's happening and I relax and kiss back. Then we break apart, and i was a stuttering mess.

"Wh...what was..th...that..for.." I say still stuttering.

"I have been interested you since the quirk assessment test, and when you asked to be training partners that interest turned into something bigger where I always wanted you by my side and when I hurted you in the sports festival, I knew that i would be lost without you. I don't know what these feelings mean but I knew I had to kiss you." Shoto says while blushing alittle.

"Shoto. What your feeling is love, and I love you too." I say and he widens his eyes and blushes more.

"(Y/n) will you do me the pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?" Shoto asks so formally and I chuckle.

"Of course shoto." I say and give him a another kiss.

"Shit we have class! My dad will murder me!" I say and get up very fast and I grab shotos hand.

"Let me shadow travel you to the class." I say and he nods and I shadow travel us infront of the door of our classroom and I see dad standing there with his arms crossed and not a happy expression on his face.

"Hi dad..." I say and he sees me and shoto holding hand and raises an eyebrow and I let go.

"Let's go, we got some explaining to do." He says and I nod and we all walk in and shoto goes to his seat and me and dad go to the front.

"What two students did was unforgivable and for that expelling those two students were immediately on the table." Dad says and I see bakugo looking very angry and Hagakure is looking down with her posture.

"But because of (Y/n) saying to not expel you both, you both won't be expelled." Dad says and a relieved Look was on bakugo and Hagakure as well.

"There was a reason that we kept this away from you. For her safety and your safety as well, (y/n) is not my biological daughter. I adopted her, but I want you all to know that I don't play favorites. Just because she's my daughter doesn't mean I wont fail her tests or that I won't go easy on her training if she's having a bad day. Any questions." Dad says and everyone's hands go up and I sigh, looks like I'm gonna tell them everything.

"Iida." I say and he instantly stands up.

"I am deeply sorry that you had to tell us this way." Iida says.

"It's fine." I say and he nods and sits down.

"(L/n)-Chan. Why did aizawa adopt you? Ribbit." Tsu asks and everyone looks at us then I look at dad and he nods and I then look at shoto and he gives a small smile.

"I was dumped at a abandoned park when I was 6 by my bio parents." I say and everyone raises there hand again until Mina asks something.

"Do you know your biological parents?" Mina asks and I nod.

"Who?" Midoriya asks and I sigh.

"They are very well known. Ozul and argo..." I say and everyone gasps except for shoto and dad.

"YOUR THE SPAWN OF THOSE VILLAINS!?" Bakugo yells making everyone jump.

"Sadly yes." I say and he gets up and starts walking towards me.

"Your the spawn of villains. Why do you want to be a hero if your quirks are villains. You'll never be a fucking hero!" Bakugo yells causing small explosions in his hands.

"I would back up kacchan...." midoriya says

"SHUT UP DEKU! HER PARENTS KILLED PRO HEROS! SHES GONNA GO IN THERE FOOTSTEPS!" Bakugo yells and makes bigger explosions and dad erases his quirk but he then makes a fist and was about to punch me but then a hand grabs his very hard and covering it with ice.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't punch my girlfriend." Shoto says and all the girls squeal not realizing the atmosphere of the room.

"Tch." Bakugo says and gets out of his grasp and dad gives him his quirk back.

"Now that conversation is over. Time to think of internships." Dad says making us go back to our seats to listen.

Well my life has changed so much in UA.



I really hope you liked that chapter cause now SHOTO TODOROKI IS YOURS! Anyway I really hope you liked that chapter and could you please punch that vote button in the face. I love you guys and I will see y'all later! BYE BYE!


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